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What better hiding place for a demon than a church? Nobody is going to look for me here. I don't know what you did, what sin led you to feel the need to enter this confession booth and confess to what you think is a priest. Only one thing is certain, you won't find any forgiveness in here. The person who used to be the priest is now a trans Asian hooker who lives further on the street and has no memories of his...sorry, her past life. 

I love playing with mortals. So I decided to hide in the booth and wait for you guys to enter and start telling your sins. Then, I'll change you accordingly to the sin you commited. What you turn into is up to you, but rest assured: the persons who'll come out of the booth will be very different from the unsuspecting Christians who came in. 

Just comment below what sin you need to confess, and face my magic.



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