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Hi there! Me again, curious about my audience. A few weeks ago, I asked if you guys had any limits. Generally, we agreed on the obvious (CP, gore, etc.), and some of you told about other things.

This time, my question is a bit more precise. What's something that tends to annoy you when you read fetish content, even if the content itself is about your fetish? Nothing extreme, just something that makes you go "damnit, I hate it when the authors do that?"

And don't worry if one of these things is something I do a lot, I can take criticism :) 



I think one of the things that makes me lose interest is when a caption tries to become almost too artsy. The dialogue starts becoming very complex and abstract. I like good complex writing in normal stories, but not when I'm trying to just get my jollies.


Oddly specific perhaps, but... I hate it when the author continues to refer to the "transformee" by their old name, or their old gender, even after mental changes... Like, they jsut act like they are "the same person" underneath, even right at the end of the caption/story, after the transformation has taken place... You don't do this so much, more... Some of the other well-known TG captioners out there (Blogger, formerly Tumblr, in particular), including other ones on Patreon still...


The name thing in particular annoys me, and a lot of captioners do it. Especially with possession/body hop type stories... It's like, as an example, "No this character is not Mark, anymore, and they're not a HE. SHE's Chloe now." That's what I want, not the opposite. Does that sort of make sense/do you know what I mean, sort of??