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Hi there! FYI, I decided to protect my work on Dropbox with a password from now on.

The reason for this is that I just realized that people who stop being patrons still have access to my newest work, since they still have the dropbox links that are updated automatically (yeah, I'm a bit slow when it comes to technology :) )

I'm not trying to punish those who stopped being patrons, I just don't think it's fair that people who choose to pay 3, 5 or 10€ a month to support my work have the same access than people who chose not to anymore.

So in the future, I'll have a password on my folders, which will change every month. So for this month, the new password is : 


I hope you guys understand. Thanks for your support. Now, I'm getting back to work :) 



Would it be possible to send a message to everyone with the link and password, that way it's always fairly new in messages, instead of having to scroll to the newest Password post.


Just checking again when you renew the password will you pin it on the main page?