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"Foolish mortals. You have no idea what you just unleashed. What did you want? Gold? All the women you wanted? A better body? And you probably heard about this genie who grants wishes? Go on then. Grab this lamp and make your wish. Watch as my powers twist your wish to turn your whole life upside down."

Okay, here's a fun idea I got from other creators and some things I saw on Reddit. You guys just found a genie, and you have one wish to make. But I, the genie, am the evil bastard type, and the wishes you make are being twisted into something you didn't want. To participate, it's really simple. Just comment below and tell me what your wish is. If needed, you can also send a description or a picture of yourself (it doesn't have to be real, it's just if you think it can be helpful for the change). Then, I'll answer your comment with a short description of the change you will go through, as well as a picture of the new you.

This time, there is no tier limit. All of you can comment and get their transformation.



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