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Within Unity

  • Created Dialogue for how she talks to you during gameplay. Different paths and decisions will lead to different dialogue. This has been the focus of my day.
  • Started work to smooth out how the player slides. It was very abrupt and forced you to slide down slopes to prevent you from escaping. It now eases into the slide a bit more, making sliding feel more natural. (In Video Changelog)
  • Added multiple eye colors to the scene. These still need to be put onto the model and coded to change them willingly in the main menu.
  • Attempted to fix an issue where the collider is recognized despite having a trigger tag. The player runs into it and it glitches out and then clips into it when it should be total passthrough. Fingers crossed this is fixed otherwise I will have to look deeper.
  • Fixed a major stutter that caused screen to shake violently if you fought against the sliding mechanic. It still happens somewhat, need to optimize the script a bit more. Should be fixed tomorrow.
  • Made it so you can only resist against sliding down certain slope angles. This way, you slide down her throat better and can't magically break the unity engine to jump back up her throat.

Model Changes

  • Added bones to her toes! She can now wiggle her toes and move her foot somewhat.
  • Fixed some weird thing you saw on the throat when her tongue was sticking out.
  • Weight painted the face, it was never properly weight painted. Also, the eye bones work correctly again.

Bunch of bug fixing today, and some work on the dialogue. Improving and re-working scripts to give you, the player a smooth experience. It's a lot easier to work now that the game has been created.

The video changelog shows in the mouth, no clipping feature added, sliding down the throat, the stomach opening and closing with a new fallback script, some digestion, and ways we optimized the game. Also, you can see her neko form, succubus form, and her succubus mark now :)

The 2nd changelog video should either be out in an hour or first thing tomorrow.


[u]Within Unity[/u]

  • Added a rig controller we are modifying to test to see if it functions better physically than the character controller.
  • Testing third person controller script
  • Added capsule player. You are now a pill. A tiny, insignificant pill. This is of course, just a test model used for character controllers, and is needed for the third person camera.
  • Create a procedural generated maze script to be used for a demo scene. Still a lot of work to be done.
  • Changed the sphere collider for stomach open script to a box collider cause the sphere collider that shouldn't have collision had collision. Yep. 0 sense made here.
  • Testing health bar script. It isn't functional, no idea why yet since health calculates numbers without issue. Blame UI toolkit documentation.

Model Changes

  • Added a bone that allows her foot to bend now like a real foot. This will most likely be the last model update for a while involving any physical changes to her body.

Smaller changelog today. I spent like 8 hours on creating this maze script, since it's not just, putting a maze down, it's generating a new maze each time, and creating harder difficulties and larger mazes that this woman will put you through. IT generates seeds now, and has a lot more work before it's game-ready.


Within Unity

  • Maze script heavily worked on, added entrance and exit, made it so a piece of cheese randomly also spawns in the maze
  • Added a function for the maze to grow in difficulty if she asks you to play again and you say yes. It can only be called upon, it's not created.
  • Optimized the maze so it doesn't lag at a 20x20 size in case a player who really likes mazes somehow doesn't bore her and manages to increase the difficult to an insane amount.
  • Changed lighting officially on the mouth/stomach to make it nice and dark, and added a minimum light so the insides could be seen at all times even with flashlight off.
  • Remaking the house in blender to fully optimize it, making the majority one object to help with baked lighting. Most games use real time, which dips performance heavily. We want to make an upscaled environment baked. Needs a ton of testing.


Within Unity

  • Started on feeding the neko girl scene!
  • Working on whirlpool in stomach script.
  • Working on a shader modifier script for stomach acid. The idea is to have water move around and get active every so often to spin the food and player around, ontop of pool the food into the stomach. Also to force the player into the acid.
  • Working on pull, swirl, and RNG script for it.
  • Heavy work on the player controller today. The sliding parameters, running parameters, gravity parameters, minimum fall speed, and around 30 other things were modified today to make the controller feel way smoother.
  • Started work on the dash script, to try and avoid the hungry, horny catgirl.

Model Updates Model work is done by NekoDev Mat!

  • created a detailed Jellybean model today. One of many candies she will digest or be fed.


Within Unity

  • Started on swallow script bringing us closer to a demo
  • Continued work on whirlpool script
  • More work on modifying the shader script. It's giving me trouble for now. Though I'll knock this stubborn shader into shape.
  • Continued work on pull script. It needs a lot of play testing.
  • Continued work re-modeling the house
  • started work on 3 pickup scripts. One in the right hand, one in front (similar to vrchat), and one realistically held in front that can be a little blinding in first person controller.

Model Updates

  • Started work on a neko candy (Almost done)
  • Tested wiggling the model's toes, and foot. for animations. Doing another rig broke all previous animations. Which is why there was a lack of them.

These scripts are a lot more advance and progress the game a LOT.  There is a lot of math involved, which I will get back to on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone! Thank you so much for the support and interest you have in the game. You all are awesome. Message me if you need me anytime.


Within Unity

  • Rendered the health and stamina bar successfully on canvas
  • Continued re-making the model of the house.
  • Rest day.


Within Unity

  • Changed her pupil to look more like a cat pupil (This is toggleable, and for the Neko version, not succubus. Only)
  • Prepped her for Video Changelog 3
  • Rest Day

Model Changes

  • Began work on making certain parts an IK Rig for animation, to for example, make it so her tail can wrap around the player to pick them up if she gets tired of using her hands.

We also have an animator who is now part of the team. Thanks to the tremendous support from everyone!

There is a major ice storm sweeping through USA tomorrow. Some of us may lose power, and if it is such the case, the video changelog could be delayed till Wed. 


Within Unity

  • Added NekoCandies! Cute little candies similar to skittles but have a :3 face and neko ears.
  • Officially added Jellybeans, with many flavors!
  • Added Peppermint/Mint candies! The green and red one.
  • Create custom colliders, and weight systems for all the newly added candies
  • Setup digest levels for all the new food and digest speeds.
  • Continue work on Whirlpool script. It's not functional yet.
  • Continued work on pickup script. It's semi-functional.
  • Started on shove script, you can now shove food (for example if it's on tongue)
  • Hardware testing today. 300 items in the stomach and I was still at 60 FPS, do not try this at home.
  • Stomach acid will no longer rotate with the body. Whoopsies mistake on my end.
  • Created a new controller script to handle picking up things, toggles, etc.
  • Setup rail system for swallow script. I honestly want the swallow script to handle the animations and calculate the size of the food based on it's size using some AI. Since we use shape keys, this is possible, and the player won't see the difference between animation and script, however calculating the size of food when each food has a different uploaded scale is going to be a fun challenge. I'll handle basic throat idle movement in animation instead.
  • Continued work on the remake of the house model. The wood floor has been expanded a bit and the tile has been limited to the kitchen. As well as some LED lights were placed to make it look better overall.

Model Changes

  • Power Outage, no changes today.


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