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Witch Weekly 4th Edition: Veela Dilemma Part 2

Featuring: Harry Potter, Gabrielle Delacour

Tags: Hidden sex, Yandere, Anal

It was my second day on vacation with the Weasleys in France, and breakfast was in full swing. Coincidentally, my penis was also in full schwing.

When the meal had begun, I’d done my best to hide myself between Andromeda and Hermione at the table. Given the smoldering looks Gabrielle was sending me, last night’s activities were at the forefront of her mind and it was my hope to use the two most strong-willed women I knew to act as a bulwark to protect my chastity.

But the young Veela was persistent. So what if she couldn’t sit beside me? She’d jostled and elbowed her way into the seat directly opposite mine.

As the clattering of cutlery and boisterous conversation commenced, Gabrielle acted. She scooped up a sausage from a passing dish with her hand, while her feet found their own weiner. I knew I should’ve changed out of my loose bottoms!

Appoline - Gabrielle, and Fleur’s mother - had woken up extra early to prepare all this food. I wish I had the capacity to thank her for her effort, but all I could do was stuff an overlarge croissant whole into my mouth, and hoped no one tried to talk to me as a pair of surprisingly skilled feet jacked me off under the table.

I gawked at Gabrielle, urging her to stop, to behave. But the little minx just stared right back at me, bit into her sausage, and saucily licked the warm juices off her lips.

I jumped in my seat when I felt a hand on my shoulder. My knees hit the table, the sudden noise drew all eyes on me. Not to mention the two feet. “Is everything alright, Harry? You look a bit ill,” Hermione asked.

“Iz it ze food?” Apolline chimed in as well, concerned.

“No!” I just about managed to murmur out. “Your food’s delicious. I’ve never had flakier pastry.” I reassured my gracious host. I put my hands down under the table and swatted away Gabrielle. “I think I’m just having a bad reaction to the portkey.” Quickly, I tucked my erect buddy into my trouser waistband and pulled my shirt over it, too. “I have a few potions in my trunk. Please keep eating.” I made to stand up but lingered hunched over to hide any tenting. “Please don’t get up on my account.” I said it to everyone, but that last line was meant solely for Gabrielle.

Awkwardly, I hastened to my room. I found my trunk, tossed it open, searched through the many chambers until I accessed my potions storage. It was a large square, with drawers on all four sides, that reached a little under my shoulders when I stepped into it.

I’d been the target of magical seduction since my teens. The attempts had only grown bolder, aggressive, and creative as I ventured out into the wider wizarding world.

Potions were just the tip of it; curses, jinxes, hexes, charms, all manner of spell work and magic was used on me. Bezoars alone weren’t enough these days. One quick and dirty solution that I’d come up with, though, proved very effective. A lot of the attempts were lust based and I just so happen to always have a draught of drooping on hand.

It was a salve that made the flesh incapable when the mind was insatiable. “There you are!” I celebrated as I found the tin that held my salvation.

I twisted it open with one hand while clumsily yanking down my pajamas with the other. My dick sprang as it was released from its confines, but before I could dip into it, the tin was hurled out of my hand with an amused ‘expelliarmus’.

“Do not waste your vigour on your ‘and, mon amour.” Gabrielle swanned in, easy as anything. “My body exists for you.”

She was wearing a flowy white linen dress, which when she stood against the sun turned practically see through. I looked away. I’d only grow more aroused. I searched for the tin I the darkness of the compartment. I needed to put my buddy to sleep before the sight of her perfect little body made me fondle her. “Go back, Gabrielle.” I averted my gaze. “Before someone spots us.”

“But I like it when I’m watched. Just like zis, see?”

I couldn’t help it, I shouldn’t have but, I peered up. I came face to face with her tight little cunny.

Using those pretty feet, she’d tiptoed right up to me, lifted her frock, and shoved her core at my face. I got a much clearer look at her than in the dark. A nest of feathery silver pubes crowned her puffy red lips. A string of her thick essence trailed down her inner thigh. A breeze blew in through the window, her dress flew. She smelled just as delicious as she did last night.

“Do you see ‘er, mon amour? She weeps for you. Just take me, love me, I’ll feel like ‘eaven around your cock.”

She wasn’t holding back. Fighting off the imperius proved easier, but I still persevered. “Not a chance. I do that and next thing I know, we’re at the hospital with me yelling at you to push.”

“You are afraid of un bebe? If you are not ready, mon ami, then we can ‘ave our children later. Do not worry about zis, I do not rush. Just use me.” She wiggled her bare pussy.

“Not happening.”

“Zen per’aps,” she kept her dress lifted, but turned around. “you prefer zis hole?” She pushed out her pert bottom, used one hand to stretch herself open, and flexed her asshole. “Zis one is also useable. I keep her clean for you, also.”

I groaned audibly then. How could anyone be this sexy? She looked at me over her shoulder. There was triumph in the veela’s eyes.

But just as I was about to break, a voice called from down the hall. “Harry? Are you in here?” Ginny. Crap. I lunged, snatched Gabrielle by her waist, and pulled her into the compartment. I dropped her to her knees between my bare legs. My cock poked her face as I stepped in closer to the edge to hide her from view, just as Ginny walked into my room.

“Are you hiding from me?” She sashayed with her arms folded behind her back.


My heart was in my throat. She sauntered my way, dropped to her knees, so we were at eye level, and brought her lips to my ear. “You’re a terrible liar.”

This is it. I die today.

“It’s my fault, Harry. I’m sorry.” What? I thought to myself. “Going on holiday with your ex’s family isn’t normal by any means. It’s why you're behaving so weird.” Ohhh. Phew! She hadn’t spotted Gabby and I. “I’m actually glad I caught you alone.”

I glanced down when Ginny said that, and good thing too. I saw Gabrielle frown and open her mouth to call out and announce herself. Over my dead body. I shifted back, lined up, and crammed my cock into her mouth and down her throat to shut her up.

Hrrg” she could only gurgle. The vials of potion clanked loudly when her head made contact.

“What was that?” Ginny was startled.

“Huh? Oh… er.” My brain momentarily exploded like a bad potion when my cock felt the hot, wet flesh of her convulsing throat. “There’s something in here.” Clearly, my blood was in the wrong head.

“Doxies?” Ginny suggested.

My eyes drew down to my crotch again. With whatever small space she had, Gabrielle began fellating me, one hand cupped my balls while the other went to her own core. “More like some french pixie.” I desperately shifted the topic. “Why’d you want to meet me alone?”

I panned my eyes up and caught sight of Ginny’s breasts. Her shirt was loose, and its collar wide. They were just as I’d remembered them; pink, petite, and pointy.

She smirked when she caught me looking. “Well,” she continued, “this whole vacation thing made me think about us.”


“The responsibilities that kept us apart aren’t here. Why don’t we put our breakup on vacation, too?”

I sighed, not because of heartbreak, but because Gabrielle just swallowed my penis even deeper down her throat and stuck her tongue out to lavish the underside of my balls.

“Just consider it.” She kissed me then. “I miss you.” I was snogging a girl while secretly being blown by another. What kind of world am I living in?

“Ok. I’ll think about it.”

Mercifully, Ginny walked out. Normally I’d have watched her go, to admire the sway of her delectable ass, but right now I had a veela to punish.

I grabbed the lid and slammed the trunk shut. Curled over, I stepped back and dragged my cock out of Gabby’s spasming throat. She gasped, greedily sucking in the air I’d denied her. As I trod closer, my foot landed in a puddle of her arousal. I reached down, fisted her hair and drove her on to all fours. “You want me to fuck you?” I tested, giving her a final out.

She just stared at me with tears still in her eyes, and bent even further down. “More zan anything.” While her chest pressed against the floor, she reached back and spread herself open again.

I bent my knees, squatted low, and straddled her hips. I rubbed my cock on her drooling cunt, lathering it thoroughly with her natural lube.

She shuddered when I pressed my tip to her anus. That was all the warning I allowed her. I pushed in.

We sighed together.

The sensation was unlike anything I’d ever felt. It wasn’t as warm as a mouth or pussy, and nowhere near as wet. But the pressure, the tightness, beat them both. “Shove it in, Mon amour! You can’t ‘urt me.”

The ring of muscle wrapped around like a python trying to choke the life out of me. It opened up a little the deeper I went.

But that tight ring, wherever it strangled my shaft, was the only thing I could focus on.

I heeded her plea and plowed into her. The hard thrusts of my hips met her boincing ass with hard smacks like plap plap plap!

Her hands attacked her snatch. Digging in ferociously with loud squishing as I got on with my dogging. All it took was a minute, and she came with a screech. “Aaah!” And a squirt.

I kept pistoning, but stumbled when her legs gave out. I pulled out of her. “Don’t stop!” She begged.

I couldn’t even if I wanted to. One arm snagged her midriff while I seized her firm breast in my other. I settled on my back, lugging her on top of me. My knees nudged her legs open. I lifted her up and speared her on my cock, instantly making her cum again.

She shivered on top of me, uncontrollably spraying her release all over my potions. I didn’t stop, though. She’d get no reprieve, no mercy from me. I braced my feet, lifted my hips and pounded her tight hole with every bit of strength I had.

She’d gone limp. My arms clinched her torso, her soft tits squashed beneath them as her head lolled. She could only moan as I fucked her. She wanted my cum? She’d get it!

I reached climax. I bit into her shoulder to stifle the growl that needed to escape me. I drained every last drop into her.

I collapsed, her body rested on mine. She mewled, her eyelids drooped, and she stuck lazy kisses all over my face. “My love, you certainly like ze back door.”

I became softer with each heartbeat until I was squeezed out of her ass with a wet squelch.

I spotted the draught of drooping tin, a fat lot of good it did.


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