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Witch Weekly No.2 Veela Dilemma Part 1

Featuring: Harry Potter, Gabrielle Delacour

Tags: Hidden Sex, Yandere, Oral

“Good morning, Harry!” normally having that shouted in your ear by a five-year-old child while the vigorously shook your shoulders a little too early in the morning isn’t a pleasant way to wake up.

But Harry Potter was perfectly abnormal, thank you very much. “Mornin’ Teddy,” Harry struggled out, a smile on his face, despite the gravel in his throat from freshly waking up. Or being woken up as it were.

“Stinky!” teddy lupin ran away laughing, both palms covering his nose on account of hangover flavoured morning breath.

“What a lovely example you’re setting for your godson, harry.” Came the scathingly playful remark from Andromeda Tonks. Also in his room for some reason. Blacks weren’t known for their patience, this most recent sister a stunning example too, so harry thought it best to just get up rather than argue.

“I’m up! I’m up!” Bringing his knees under him, harry pushed, the blanket falling away as he searched for the pair of glasses he always left by his pillow.

“Teddy, hurry on downstairs and put on your shoes. Show Harry how big boys tie their laces.” Andromeda abruptly sent away her grandson.

“Okay.” a simple response as he scurried away, heeding his given instruction.

“Honestly, dear boy. You’re in an absolutely deplorable state. You know good and well you’re meant to be ready for our international portkey. Just because we’re on vacation with the Weasleys does not mean we need to conduct ourselves with last-minute panic.”

Harry scrubbed the crust out of his eyes before wearing his glasses. “My trunk’s already packed. I just need a quick shower.” Harry placated in hopes the bagging went away with his growing migraine. “Couldn’t skip the bender last night, unfortunately. The entire department went out after we closed an amortentia ring down in Knockturn.”

“Ah, of course! Our ever erstwhile aurors at work. Every villain across the Isles must be cowering. One might even mistake your cock straining to rip through your pyjamas for a wand.” She casually gestured with her finger.

Harry hurriedly looked down and noticed his unflagging morning wood. Immediately, he snatched the surrounding blanket to cover his waist. Guess harry now knew why Andromeda made Teddy escape. “Andi, please! A little decorum.”

But Andromeda was relentless. “Teddy, I’m expected to mother. I didn’t think babysitting you was also part of the package. Are Teddy and I going to have to move into this dingy old mansion to make sure you don’t drown in your soup?”

Harry just glared at her balefully. “Don’t threaten me with a good idea. You know I’ve wanted you two to live with me for ages.”

“No.” Was her complete denial. “Teddy will be raised in the same house as my Dora. And I’ll be damned if I share my roof with an unwed bachelor. Lustful beasts that you all are.” She pointed again at his crotch. “... Perhaps Ginny might take care of that problem for you?”

Harry sighed at that. That particular wound wasn’t fresh, but it had yet to fully heal. Andromeda, unfortunately, like all women her age, was preoccupied with pairing everyone around them up. “What I can give Ginny is less than she wants.”

Andromeda affected being put out, but by the tiny smirk she had, Harry knew she was aware it was the attention Teddy needed that drove them apart. Slytherins…. just couldn’t be straightforward, could they? “Pearls to swine, I swear.” she clapped her hands. “Now chop chop, I won’t have us late!”

The Weasley household, prior to travel, was always a spectacle. Judging by the parade of flapping books that nearly brained them on their way out of the floo; over the years, even Hermione’s infected. “Maybe we should have organized our own portkey…” clearly the chaos didn’t agree with Andromeda’s sensibilities.

Harry spotted the lone, prepared member of the family sitting alone at the dinner table with a comically long baguette in front of her. The three of them walked over and greeted Fleur. “Seems a bit carb heavy.” He quipped.

“It is the portkey maker’s idea of a joke. France means baguettes, no?” Fleur responded.

“Well, at least we won’t be fighting for space,” He joked back.

Fleur turned to the other two. “Bonjour Mrs. Tonks, and to you too, mon petit champion.” Andromeda and Harry sat on the seats beside her while Teddy walked up to and tugged the sleeve of her shirt.

“Victoire?” Teddy asked.

Fleur laughed melodiously along with Andromeda. “Oh, are you looking for your girlfriend?” Teddy nodded determinedly and unashamedly.

“She is with her grandfather,” Fleur addressed the two adults first, “who has locked her away in his dungeon! She needs a hero to save her!” Fleur said, referring to Arthur’s well-known love for his shed full of muggle curios. Harry stood up and extended his hand out to hold Teddy’s to take him back out to find Victoire and Arthur.

Fleur caught his forearm in her soft hand, stopping him from leaving. “Actually, ‘Arry, would you mind if Andromeda took him? I’d like to speak with you please… alone while we still have the opportunity.”

Harry and Andromeda shared a surprised look with raised eyebrows but ultimately were happy to accommodate Fleur’s request and sat back down. “Of course, Fleur.”

“Come along, Teddy” Andromeda gestured, which was all the license Teddy needed to charge out with a roar, his normally straight auburn hair - so reminiscent of Remus’ - shifted to Harry's dark, wild nest. It was plain who Teddy’s measure of a hero was. Andromeda followed sedately behind him.

As soon as the two were out of earshot, Fleur got right down to it. “What do you know of Veela?”

Harry thought for a moment, “my only frame of reference is you, really.”

“So you know eizer everything…” the Fleur sighed, “or nothing.”

“I’d wager the latter” Harry could only shrug.

Fleur scrutinized him, then. Suddenly her eyes weren’t quite as gentle as he’d grown used to seeing. “Do you remember what it was like for me when I started dating Bill?” It might have been framed as a question, but the tight hold she still had on his arm made it clear it wasn’t.

Harry nodded. “I guess most were caught in Veela's allure more than Bill himself was.” Harry gently joked. The reduced clench on his arm eased the tension.

“Précisément. When bill’s mother, sister, and even ze other girls, they hear about me; they do not look past Veela. Zey think allure. Like maybe I bewitch him almost like love potion.” Harry didn’t wince, though he felt like he wanted to.

Fleur was family now, and Weasleys took little as seriously as family and Harry knew that things were generally good these days, but there was no pretending how rough it was for the foreigner at the beginning. “I will not deny the allure is what it is. Yes, it makes us easier to be…. more noticed zen anything else - pushes others to act.” Fleur continued with her explanation. “But ze allure, it is not so simple for Veela, it affects us too.”

Harry leaned in. This was new information. “it is funny to think, but I only met bill because of you, ‘Arry. Before ze final task of that Triwizard tournament when the Weasleys come to meet you. Those who can resist the allure are rare. Bill was rare. So when no allure affects him, it affects me instead. Ze magic senses strength, will, and makes the Veela now notice the man. Pushes ‘er to act. It does not force, but strongly encourages.” Harry could only keep quiet as Fleur revealed a side to being a Veela he’d never even contemplated.

“I hated Britain. Ze weather, ze food, ze people. Most of all, I hated the tournament for what it did to me and Gabby. But still I come back. I go to Gringotts because Bill tells me how he works there. We begin our relationship. I learn more how wonderful he is, and I fall in love - ze allure cannot force this. But then, his family whom he loves, hates me. Britain only grows darker with each day. Many times I cry alone, wishing to leave, but my allure it makes me stay. My heart is the same, so I stay. No matter how bad it got, no matter how much my mind begs, I stay. All because ze allure likes the strong man I only meet one time.”

“I… didn’t know. About the allure… bloody hell.” Harry couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“Oui dire que. It is good for me in ze end. I love my family more than anything. Ze allure can be difficult magic, especially when it senses a challenge it must defeat. Bill was rare. My father too. Their resistance got them the most beautiful Veela wives.” Fleur said in a much lighter tone. Harry was glad for that firm pride in Fleur’s voice again. But her stare was still intense. “You, ‘Arry Potter, are rarer. You do not resist - you are immune.”

Harry gulped, realizing the crux of her conversation was about to be revealed. “My parent’s meeting was just as innocent as mine with Bill. Gabby is Veela too, ‘Arry. She has allure too, and it knows you. It has known you since you rescued a Veela from grave danger.”

It all clicked into place then, even for someone as romantically challenged as harry. “... but she was so young then, he tried and hoped that would prevent this potential entanglement.

Fleur callously waved it away. “Magic is older than we’ll ever be. And Gabby is not young anymore. A decade changes a lot and she is of age now.”

Harry shut his eyes and took a deep breath. “I promise, Fleur, I won’t lay my hands on her.” He began, hurt that such an unfavorable light could be cast on him by someone so close. “I never want you to worry that I’d do anything to hurt your family.”

“Non!” she almost yelled, the hand on his forearm suddenly clenched him hard again. “You misunderstand me!” Harry was confused. Clearly, he’d read her intentions wrong. “It is not you I worry about doing anything to Gabby. It is Gabby I worry about doing something to you.” She hurriedly clarified.

Harry took a beat. “So, this is just about the allure? You don’t think I’m…” he broached carefully.

“Never, mon Chéri!” She sounded relieved when Harry didn’t mistakenly take offense. “Maybe I say it the wrong way, but all I wish to do is to warn you. Veela's magic is powerful, insidious when it tries to get what it wants. I just wish for you to understand that allure may influence Gabby and to not hold it against her.”

“Oh, I won’t. You’ve my word.” Harry soothed her. He himself now getting it. “Ill treat her just the same as I would anyone. Allure or no.”

“Good, I’m glad.” Fleur smiled. “But this is also not my warning you away from her.” Her hand reached up and gently rested on Harry’s cheek. “You are so kind and most brave. Gabby would be lucky to catch your eye. As a sister, I know few men as worthy of a Veela’s devotion as you ‘Arry.”

Harry’s brow shot straight up to his hairline. The warm hand and warmer smile on her face was so unexpectedly intimate. It left him totally confused again. Was Fleur trying to keep Harry away from her sister or not? He wanted to probe for compete clarification, but hurricane Weasley descended on to the table before he could. He was caught flat-footed as the entire extended family, in a cacophony of excitement, enveloped, touched, and activated the portkey, whisking them all away to France.

Harry didn’t know if the roiling in his gut was from the tumultuous travel or the conversation.

Harry had no choice but to push his apprehension away as they arrived at the Delacour grounds. When the greetings began, Harry felt his earlobes tickling his shoulder from how tense he was, the churning in his stomach only growing more violent as his turn to greet Gabrielle approached. Then nothing happened.

She didn’t press her body on him, her lips didn’t linger, just an infectiously bright “‘Arry! When she welcomed him just like everyone else, with a quick hug and a kiss on either cheek.

His gastric discomfort ebbed as the day continued to progress. The rest of the Delacours were equally pleasant. Fleur’s mother, Appoline’s genes, were exceptionally strong and bred true in both her daughters. All three were tall, willowy, with long blonde hair that somehow kept tame despite being completely loose.

Their beautiful chalet was dwarfed only by the sprawling private white sand beach on which it sat. Every Weasley had their own suite with room to spare.

Between chasing the children eager to explore, a few incredibly fancy meals of unending local fair, and a light broom tour of the surrounding area, the evening came fast. The unease in Harry having long since waned.

After seeing Teddy and the rest off to bed, Harry too, was desperate to crawl into his own blankets. Out like a nox near the moment his head hit the pillow.

A life riddled with danger didn’t usually lend itself to a steady night’s rest. One ear, one eye, sometimes even one nostril, seemed half awake in anticipation. Harry groaned, just barely clinging to his sleepless state, as one ball was having a party.

The sensation was warm and wet, even a little ticklish. “Mmm” he moaned. He spread his legs slightly wider. "Go up.” The soft sounds of shifting fabric, the light press of a warm weight, dragged him slowly and steadily out of sleep. He inhaled sharply as that wonderful feeling swallowed his erect member suddenly, his eyes fluttering open to a more forgiving darkness, allowed him to see the steadily pumping mound under his sheets. Instantly, ice washed over his senses and he shot awake.

He whipped the sheets off him in a quick motion. That silver hair reflecting the moonlight as brightly as her mischievous blue eyes, unhindered by his discovery; Gabrielle merely continued stuffing her cheeks with his cock, noisily sucking him as slobber coated her lips and trickled slowly down-shaft to his balls as she continued fellating him enthusiastically. “What are you doing?” Harry whispered in horror and surprise, “Stop!”

He palmed her head and tried to push her away. His body was conflicted because her constant sucking sent waves of bliss down his legs. He locked his elbow, leaving only the tip of his penis in her hot, wet mouth.

Her pillowy lips latches on and inhaled him. The whole area around her mouth glistened in the moonlight from their mingling fluids. Gabrielle turned those striking blue, mischievous eyes at home then. Hungrily boring into his own bewildered green. They were open wide, her pupils too, like she was intoxicated. She hollowed her cheeks sucked as hard as she could. Harry moaned, barely holding the noise back when bit his lower lip.

She giggled then, amused by his uncontrolled reaction. She smiled brightly; her teeth shone in the faint light.

She allowed the arm pushing her away to guide her. With impossible grace, she let gravity pull her down on. Harry’s eyes couldn’t help follow the cascade of silver hair as she flopped on to her back.

She wasn’t wearing anything. The mattress bounced when she landed. His eyes were glued to the sight of her naked flesh. Her breasts were smaller than Fleur’s - Harry couldn’t stop the thought flying through his head - pregnancy had provided more than just a baby. They were still a good size, more than a handful, supple as they stood high and proud on her chest - the way they jiggled with every slight motion. Harry wagered they were probably soft, too. Her nipples were small and cute. He could barely make them out as their colour was as vanishingly pale as the rest of her pristine alabaster skin. He heard her laugh again, teasingly, tantalizingly, when she caught him glued to her form.

She hid her chest away from him, her legs engulfed his vision. Her nails were painted. Long, delicate calves rose up and up and up towards the ceiling. Slender, Harry thought, but not skinny. His gaze traveled lower, her legs steadily growing wider till her grip-able hips and ass.

Then she allowed them to fall. Gabrielle shifted her hips, her knees rested on her chest, her feet even reached above head.

She spread them fully for Harry and tilted her hips. Nothing was left to Harry’s imagination. She’d lain and contorted in such a way that her pussy was mere inches away from his own member. Feathery hair decorated the top of her core. Her clitoris, much like Gabby herself, wasn’t shy; it was protruding and throbbing. A thick trickle of arousal flowed from her, down the cleft of her cheek, circled her delectably pink hole and finally dripped on to the sheets of his bed.

The smell was heady. The sweet metallic, coppery fragrance of swollen, flushed flesh left him hard as iron. Just a small twitch, and he could be in her. Harry’s cock could feel her warmth even from the shrinking distance.

“Mon amour is eager for me, non?” Her melodious voice sang out. Her hands snatched each buttock and entirely opened up as far as someone could. “I am ready, mon amour. I’m so wet for you.” Her breathy whisper slapped Harry out of his lustful trance.

He grabbed her wrists, broke her provocative pose, and yanked her up to her knees. “Gabrielle, we can’t do this!” Asking her what she was doing would have been a stupid question. It was obvious. “You need to leave.”

But Gabrielle was relentless. She scuttled closer to him on her knees, her arms still held in his grip, until she was in his lap. Harry scooched until his back hit the headboard. She planted one foot, raised her hips, but before she could spear herself on to Harry. He let go of her arms and pulled her tight into his chest. “Wait! Wait! Wait!” he whispered frantically.

She at once arched into him, her newly free arms locked around his neck. She breathed into him hard, panting fresh minty breath at his face. “I’ve done my waiting. Ten years of it.”

Just because he wasn’t inside her didn’t mean Gabby would stop. He was trapped between the both of them. She ground on him; moaned as the friction of her sodden lips against his rigid length brought her pleasure, even without penetration. Harry moaned despite himself. “This… ungh… this is just your allure controlling you, Gabrielle.” Harry stammered out just barely through the growing comfort. Her stiff nipples were skimming his skin as she moved, her arousal leaving a trail of burning desire, and she writhed all over his aching cock. “You can fight it.” Harry tried to reason - at that point, he didn’t know if he was saying that to Gabrielle or himself.

She shook her head at him, latched on tighter, worked her hips with greater ferocity and through panting breath got out, “my mind, my magic, my body, my soul want all the same thing. You, mon amour.”

Harry howled in both pleasure and agony. What could he say to that? He was on the brink. Restraint had just about sat on a broom and flown off until harry managed to pull the final vestiges of it back under control. “Fine!” He growled. The arms around her back shifted, and his hands clawed at her waist. He moved her, used her moist folds like a third hand. He didn’t penetrate her, though in that moment there was nothing more he wanted in the world.

“Je t’aime!” She mewled with each scrub of their kissing hips. “Je t’aime” and with that, she came. Her head buried into his neck and she shrieked through her climax. His sweat soaked skin only just managing to muffle her voice.

Harry was quick to follow. Rope after rope shot out of him, frosting her lower curls all the way up to her toned belly, where his warm cum pooled and traced over her squirming, flexing abs.

As the crashing waves of satisfaction battered against his mind, she kissed up his neck. Light fluttering things, stepping daintily and eagerly up to his lips. “Merci. Merci. Merci!” she thanked between every smooch.

As the haze of lust dissipated, Harry persisted. “You need to leave, Gabrielle. We can’t be seen like this.” He wanted to feel regret, but truth be told, he felt like what was done was done. When her soft warm body lifted off his, he felt an acute sense of loss - though maintained a stoic facade.

Her clothes were on the floor by his bed, Harry noticed only as she slowly, sensually put them on. Dressed, she leaned over him and kissed him again. He returned it this time. “You like to keep secrets I see, Mon amour.” She teased him. Gabrielle sought Harry's eyes, “very well, I shall keep our love between just us” he listened and felt relief that she’d not go screaming about their tryst to the high heavens right at the beginning of the vacation. But he knew it wouldn’t last forever. “For now.” He gazed into her eye. They were wide still. It reminded him of a predator, like a dragon.

Harry watched as she walked out of his room with a sway in her hips. “Bonne nuit, Mon amour. Je t’aime.”

“... G’night” he struggled to return as she disappeared through the threshold.

“The next four weeks are either going to be the best,” sleep was catching up to him again. He slunk back under his crumpled blanket. His head got heavier with each syllable he mumbled to himself, “or my death.”

He fell asleep to the scent of their heavy petting staining his sheets.


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