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Looks like we've finally reached the end of the month!

Mover/Shaker takes its seventh rumbling step as Uki is well under way preparing for his upcoming gym challenge.

IoTV! 33.5, 34, and 34.5 are also up and ready to read. Bas finally gets to relax a little and chooses to get his blood pumping (literally) while acting his heart out. As production continues smoothly Bas and co. may have some time for some shenanigans here and there.

Apologies for the slightly late final chapter this last week. I wanted to take the criticism of the previous chapter on board to give you all better reading going forward. Thanks for sticking with me it truly means a lot and I assure you that I hear out each and everyone of you so please keep letting me know what you think in the chapter comments. Not just plot wise, but my writing in general - I only want to improve so I can thank you all for your stalwart show of generosity.

Next batch of chapters will all drop this coming week between now and the 7th of June.

See you all then!

Bar Calak


Michael G

Any ideas of Bas creating a YT channel or later on down the line creating a twitch channel to stream ?


Personally, I think it would dilute his brand. Make him too accessible to fans and a wider audience. I think that air of mystery or that 'movie star' aura would be gone if he just interacted with people via YouTube or Twitch. I also think Twitch and YouTube are too low level for Bas. Idk if Bar Calak wants to go down the route of alternative entertainment, but maybe Podcasting would be better? Get super famous people on to the podcast and talk about the craft and things like that.

David Karlsson

Agreed. The closest he should get to fans should be something like AMAs, charity competitions to spend a day with him or things like that. If he spends 4 hours talking to people on twitch not only is there more risk of being taken out of context or creating controversy but like Rivo said he'd lose some of that magic. Maybe it'd work every once in a while, like how some celebrities game with famous Esports channels occasionally? And it's hard to interact with people when you'd drag in that many viewers.

David Karlsson

Chapter coming up today or tomorrow? Hyped for more HbP stuff


I think you need to set the scene. Rarely do you describe the emvironment the characters are in.