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Chapter 19.5: Grint Chocolate Chip

WB Offices London, UK. December 2005.

Was there a curse on the movies or something? Rupert couldn’t help but have that thought as he shook the new director’s hand. “Nice to meet you, David Yates.” Were they going to have another major production change after two more movies? Ay-yay-yay.

Cuaron was great. He was creative and set the standard, but Rupert understood that the creative types had itchy feet and took off running the moment they got a fresh new pair of fleets.

Money wasn’t a good motivator after you’d already made it for people like him.

“Great to have you on board.” Rupert glanced at his two co-stars, welcoming the fresh addition to the team. He caught Bas’ eyes as Emma politely shook Yate’s hand. He didn’t know how the guy kept up these charades. Bas looked pointedly at him and jerked his head at Yates. And Rupert hated how he’d been dragged into Bas’ schmoozery, too.

But friends were friends. Sometimes you just listen to the guy with the idea and hope for the best.

“I really liked The Girl in the Cafe.” He’d said it blunter than a sledgehammer and laid it out thicker than pig shit, but Yate’s smile, Bas’ wink, and Emma’s approving nod probably meant he did it right.

In truth, he enjoyed the movie. Out of the three of them Emma was busier, burying her nose in her textbooks and huffing the benzene, and Bas had very little interest in television films. So the axe fell on Rupert’s ginger head to watch and compliment their new director’s most recent work.

“That’s very kind of you, Rupert. I’m rather proud of it myself - which I should be. It got me this job after all!” Rupert knew his smile was about as genuine as Yates’ laugh. Bas’ smirk wasn’t half as nice as his own, though. Rupert could practically hear his bud’s eyes straining not to roll behind Yates’ back. “Mr Heyman was effusive in his praise for my nuanced storytelling and atmosphere creation. He said that our franchise was ideal for my creative lens.” Rupert smirked right back at Bas when Yates suddenly turned around and made his nervous appeal to the others. Bas had immediately schooled his expression and nodded along jovially.

“Then I just might need to check it out if Grint likes it.” Bloke could bloody well act when he wanted to, couldn’t he? But with the way he was hamming it up now, they’d have to do a retake for sure.

What a liar he was, though. He’d never watch that movie. Bas had confided in him why he thought Yates had been brought on.

According to Bas, while his work was probably alright, Yates was more likely brought on because the studio was sure that the Harry Potter franchise is so big that the director’s name doesn’t matter anymore. So they chose a guy who can sort of mimic Cuaron’s aesthetic on the cheap and who can also work on a tight timeframe.

His mate could be pretty mean spirited. Must be all that time in Hollywood rubbing off on him.

Rupert felt his expression falter a little at that thought. He brought his hands around his back and clenched his hands. He knew it wasn’t fair - blaming Bas for the opportunities he gets versus the one Rupert had.

It was almost funny if the joke wasn’t at his expense. Both he and Bas had gotten movies filmed from behind the wheel of a car - practically at the same time as well. Yet, while his was a quaint little indie filmed at home. Bas had his turn racing a car down the crowded streets of Tokyo.

At least his would come out months before the Hollywood hullabaloo swallowed all the air in the room.

“Lovely to meet you all. You kids run along, now. Plenty of work to be done before we get you back in front of cameras.”

Just the lights and action missing. That was probably it, huh?

Rupert loved what he’d done, sure, but which one sounded like the bigger blockbuster? Driving Lessons or Tokyo Drift?

A clammy hand slapped wetly on his forehead. “Are you feeling ill, Rupert? You’ve been rather quiet.” Emma seriously needed to go see a doctor. Why did she sweat so damn much?

“M’fine.” He grabbed her wrist and pried her hand away. “And keep these juicy sausages away from my face, thanks. I just got rid of my spots.”

Haw! Affronted, Emma snatched her hand back and gasped. “Boys are the worst! Show them even a bit of compassion and they scratch like frightened cats. Hmph! See if I ever ask after your health again.”

“Lay off him.” Bas held her wrists and started waving her hands about as she tried to tug them away. “He’s probably just worried about the films.”

That was scarily on-point.

“It’s literally Mr Yates’ first day, give him a chance at least.” Emma, by this time, had stopped tugging away and tried to smear her hands on Bas instead.

“That too.” He easily and playfully continued to fend her off. “His other movie comes out soon, as well.”

It was frustrating. How do you stay cross with someone when they get you? At least let a bloke stew in anger for five minutes before you knock him off the stove.

“Not to mention he’s only got Julie Walters to take as a date to the premiere.”

Oi! Rupert demanded the immediate return of the good feelings he had in his heart. “Keep talking, and I’ll stick you in a frock and heels. Then we’ll see who’s my date.”

“Only if you promise to buy dinner first.”

“Aren’t you two just the most progressive young men in Britain?”

“I don’t think we’re stealing that feather crown from Elton John anytime soon.” Rupert heard his own laughter join theirs.

“Take it easy, rocket man. The movie’ll do great, don’t worry.”

Rupert knew he was two years older than him, but truthfully, Bas’ effortless charm really made him feel like an older brother sometimes. Who else could get you in and kick you out of the doldrums so easily?

Emma twisted and somehow entangled herself in Bas’ arms. He held her closer. “I prefer tiny dancer.”

She’d never been shy, Emma, but recently Rupert had noticed she’d been eager for more contact with Bas. Another insecurity to add to the list he had hidden away in the back of his mind, Rupert thought. Hermione seemed more into Harry than Ron these days, even if the books and scripts said otherwise.

Now that he thought about it, she’d been like this since around the pool party last summer, maybe.

And there were all those barmy rumours about Bas sneaking away with Gemma. Sure, they’d attended Goblet’s screening together, but that didn’t mean they’d done anything, did it?

Too many gum flapping gossipers these days.

“Alright guys, I’ll catch you soon. I’ve got my meeting with Jo now.”

See? Bas had been having these behind closed doors rendezvous with JK Rowling for years now. Soon enough there’d be even more shit slinging at Bas and how he’s being ensnared by Rowling. Like the incident where he broke his arm - some nosey newsy would report how Bas did it at her urging in a few years.

Bas was crazy. But not quite so far round the bend.

“But you haven’t even given us our souvenirs from Japan yet!” Emma complained. She was right - someone had promised Rupert a samurai sword. And he sure as sushi wasn’t slashing one around his room so far. “You promised you’d get me original copies of Sawako Ariyoshi books.”

“And my Katana!”

“Yes, yes. I’ve got all your gifts wrapped and ready. You’ll find them under your trees at Christmas. Now if you’ll excuse me, I also need to listen to Jo asking me for things."

“Actually, Bas. Before you disappear.” Rupert stopped him from leaving. “I’d actually like to talk to JK before you both barricade yourselves.”

“Oh? What about?” Rupert averted his friend’s concerned stare. How do you tell someone you’re jealous of them and resentful of their success?

“It’s a bit private, mate. I just want to talk about Ron with her.” Because if Rupert caved and brought the issue to Bas, he knew he’d hear the right things and be given the best solutions.

But sometimes a man needs to solve his own problems.

“... Fine then, keep your secrets. C’mon Watson, let’s go see if we can’t sleuth out some snacks.” He chucked his arm over her shoulder and dragged Emma away, who no doubt had her own questions plaguing the forefront of her overactive mind. “And tell Jo I’ll be there in thirty; that enough time for you?”

“That’s perfect, mate. Thanks.”

He’d been inside a hundred times before, but Rupert didn’t know why the door to JK Rowling’s office felt like an impenetrable portcullis today.

Get it together, Grint. It’s just another conversation. Deep breath, knob turned, and greeting called. “Hello?”

“Finally, you’re here!” Something told Rupert JK hadn’t seen just who’d entered her domain. Probably the precarious pile of teetering papers on her desk she had her head hidden behind.

“It’s Ru-”

“That’s a wonderful anecdote, dear boy, but we really must be getting to work. Now, first off, I’m having a hell of a time cluing Neil on the significance of Phineas without giving away the whole gag. And I know, I know what you’re going to say, but it doesn’t mean I can’t bitch a little.”

“No, I’m no-”

“Oh, very well. On to more pertinent topics. Do you remember that girl I told you about? The one with the eating disorder in the hospital who I’ve made a bit of a penpal of? Well, she’s been recovering splendidly over the last few months and has recently intimated that she’d like to audition for the role of Luna Lovegood. I, of course, encouraged her fully, but I’d hoped you might take some time and sit in on her casting. Perhaps read a scene with her? I know you’d make her feel comfortable and I’m sure she’d be well suited to the part.”

She sure loved to talk, didn’t she? Only one foot in the door and Rupert felt his ears ready to fall off.

Bas really wasn’t kidding when he said she’d want him to do things. Help with the screenplay, help with the casting; god only knows what else. How many bloody hats did the mad lad have to wear?

“Er… I’m not Bas.” Her head popped out, her eyes nearly followed suit.

“Rupert! When did you get here? Where did Bas go?”

“I’ve been here the whole time, Bas was- nevermind. Do you have a mo’? There’s something I wanted to talk about.”

“Say no more. I did say my door was always open.” She circled her desk, put a comforting hand on Rupert’s shoulder, and guided them to the softer chairs surrounding the coffee table. “So. What’s got your goat?”

“It’s about Ron. I’m just struggling some with his character.” Rupert shied away from her penetrating gaze, choosing instead to focus on his twiddling fingers.

He couldn’t see her face, but he caught her shifting one leg over the other. “What aspect of it?”

“I just…. don’t understand his role anymore. Why does Harry need him? Why does Hermione need him? Why does the story need him? What’s the point?”

Rupert plucked up the courage to look up. Rowling was looking at him with narrowed eyes and a hand stroking her jaw. “Rupert, do you remember the first three movies? Their scripts?”

He nodded, “yeah ‘course.”

“Then you must remember how many of your lines were changed from the books. Kloves asked me the same questions you did.” Rupert had no doubt, the original screenwriter really didn’t like the character, they all knew that. “Do you know what my answer was? If he’s so unimportant, why do you keep feeding his moments to Hermione?”

Well, when you put it like that… “I guess my question does sound silly, huh?”

“Not at all. I’ll be honest with you, dear, as long as you’re honest with me. Is this about Ron or is this about Rupert?”

Rupert’s eyes immediately darted back to his fidgety digits. “Bas casts a long shadow.” Rupert didn’t know why, but that felt both good and horrid to admit.

Hmm. “Do you know why?”

If he did, Rupert wouldn’t be here. “Nuh-uh.”

“It’s because he puts himself out there more than anyone else. That, and he’s more than a little insane. Unfortunately for you, you’re a bright young man with a good head on his shoulders.”

Did she slap his face or caress it? Either way, Rupert was confused. “Then what do I do?”

“What you’ve already been doing. Working hard. As far as I can tell, you’re doing more for your career than just about anyone else. You’re still young Rupert. You’ll find your edge.”

“And Bas?”

“Don’t play with naked blades. You’ll only cut yourself.”

It was strange. Somehow, knowing that Bas was the problem and not Rupert made him feel better.

Welp. Time to go swing his own sword.



Great chapter. Really felt Rupert's inner drama here, projected through a teenage boy as it was. What, swords will always be cool?


Very nice work on this one. It's great to see other actors prospective on Bas.


Damn whoever convinced you to do more pov. I think these should be few and just to show us the image of the MC, nothing more. Definitely knowing what Rupert thinks the change of director doesn't excite me. (Just that part, the rest of the pov was great though. One thing I do think you should do, is to give it a little more continuity. There is an important time jump every half chapter. No event has taken more than one chapter so far. And at the moment it's not a problem since Bas is still young. But in the future there should be a little change for important events. By the way, does that ending mean that Rupert will get his dick wet? Thanks for the chapter.


Thank you for the chapter! Love the insight from other characters. Can't really wait until next time. Wish the chapters came daily lol


Maybe its just my writing but my intent was not to give Rupert's thoughts on the new director but to let the audience know that theres a change in a way thats not just stating new director. I'm glad the rest of the chapter was clearer though. I'll see what I can do for continuity if it's feeling disjointed. My structure for the story is pretty simple so far. Each movie (or event) is about 4-5 chapters with one or two bookend interludes to transition into the next saga essentially. I'll try to make that clearer. And haha no, its just a metaphor. Rupert is more inclined to go his own way rather than follow Bas' path - i just used swords as a thematic tool.

David Karlsson

Great job on Rupert. One can only respect him. Honest about he feels but too good of a person to act poorly on it. His conversation with Jo was good as well, trying to emulate Bas someway wouldn't go well at all. Did she mean completely crazy in an endearing way, at least? Lol. So there's a Jo and Bas meeting next chapter? Also glad we got some background on events from someone who is more in tune with the gossips in the tabloids, news and also the kids on set. I'm assuming many of those in charge of the project are aware of his time with Gemma and are running interference where possible as he didn't get lambasted with questions on the premiere. But I like how realistic that was. As a smut chapter it didn't matter but there was no way they'd got away with it with nobody noticing. And did Gemma do a little sly bragging to someone with Emma's piqued interest after the pool party or was that because he worked out ahead of the shirtless scenes? We got some clues to Emma as a character also here even if we didn't get her PoV, so that was well done. It's perhaps lucky few will completely believe a freshly turned 14 year old had sex with a 19 year old like her. I didn't have much trouble with Yates for doing his job by the script. With the better screenwriter I believe he can do a decent job like he did with order of the phoenix. Apart from the book discrepancies (with several missing chekhovs guns from the others) he made a cinematically good movie within the circumstances imo. He'll hopefully make an above average film at least with the input of JK, Bas and the screenwriter. Great job on this chapter author. Just from Ruperts PoV we got answers to a lot of background questions to MCs past actions which was well done. Sorry for the long comment


I was walking past swords while writing this chapter leaked in lol. Yes they're never not cool.

David Karlsson

I think Rupert has a similar role in this story in that he's the "average" good bloke with the extraordinary friend. It's good to have such a character to not be too swept up in Bas's craziness and lose touch of what the average co-actor experiences in contrast. It grounds the story a bit. About the pacing over big events, if I wasn't eager for new updates to get to his reunions ASAP I wouldn't have minded an interlude chapter for short premiere and then general movie reception among fans perhaps, given that this movie was so completely different almost all ways from our timeline. I hope we can get the audience reaction to it in some other way later on instead?

Andrew Mckeown

Half asleep, so ain't got a lot to say, though for me this is pretty decent contender for best chapter yet. Great alt pov.


Totally. Rupert's his own person and I think a good average for the other child actors in HP so his pov sort of acts as everyone's voice somewhat. Crazy in a good way haha. It's why she relies on him. I was actually trying to do the opposite of what Rowling does in the books lol. Ron is like a quasi seer (for comedic effect imo) in the og story. Here he's inadvertently wrong instead of right with the gossip stuff - like most boys are. Emma I'll save for later. Much later. Yates was fine. Competent but just a jobber instead of someone with real vision when compared to the other directors. A better screenplay will help. Longer the comments more I enjoy reading and responding. Never apologize, I love it.


Phew! Happy that the effort paid off. Believe me I know the feeling, it's 230 am where I am.


I think the next pov is best for fans. Though not for a few chapters at least.

David Karlsson

About that monologue, JK is talking about Evanna Lynch I assume? And also, with Radcliffe being Neville, does that mean Jamie Waylett (The guy who didn't come back for DH1,2) is no longer cast in favour of Matthew Lewis?

Sohaib Malik

The story went from the third dimension to the fourth dimension by including other perspectives 👌


Evanna Lynch means there is a non zero chance that Bas will see AVPM, which I just find hilarious

Pope Yoda I

Not bad. I think your handling of Rupert's existential crisis was smooth. With the exception of Radcliffe's bonkers post-HP roles and Watson using a childhood packed with sexual harassment as fuel for her role as a UN Ambassador, I've actually got no idea what any of the OG cast did later in life. While I wasn't expecting a 14 year-old (or however old Rupert is at this time) to wax philosophical, it wasn't unwelcome to see one of your characters grappling with their future. I think I'd like to see how other cast members see themselves and their inevitable splitting once all 7 movies are done. I don't want MC to be the only driving force behind change, so please feel free to give others agency as well. Or show how MCs actions encouraged others to seek their own change (a more difficult task). P.S. In a future chapter, perhaps a reunion party once HP land in Universal opens?


Rupert is 17 or 18 years old. You just reminded me how unbearable Watson became. I hope MC teaches him that hard work is better and more rewarding than victimization.


Very little I think, some like small stage play and local British parts. The only one I remember was Felton in planet of the apes. That's fair, which is what I was attempting to do. Rupert trying to solve his own problems. Smooth is good! Haha now I can focus on Bas and the story for a while.

Andrew Mckeown

Reading fresh, and still comes off pretty great, wouldn’t mind another Rupert pov at some point. The line of emma pointing out how very progressive the lads were acting was a bit out of place timewise for me, the word ‘progressive’ itself I mean. Don’t think it was really used at the time but not entirely sure what was, maybe ‘modern’ or something like that. Could be wrong and not a big issue. Favourite part that might not get mentioned much is just the non dialogue interaction between bas and emma that Rupert describes. Just captures them really existing in a very cool way without a formulaic, MC says cool thing, girl blushes, reader go wow, way it can sometimes be done. Not that that itself is always bad, but can be a bit easy. What you wrote just seemed more sincere, naturally in each others space without being a big outward deal says a lot more. Anyway, fuck typing out on my phone this is annoying, look forward to next weeks chapters.

David Karlsson

Does Bas have plans for David Yates with how he schemes and butters up to him? Or is that just Ruperts view of events and he doesn't see the point of this first meeting?