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Hey everyone,

Quick Update: I've just finished the initial draft of the latest chapter!

I'll start working on the typesetting and the rest of the cleanup process next and will keep you updated on the progress. Thank you for your patience and support!

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the delay in getting the final cleaned-up chapter to you. I've been away from my workstation for the past few days due to work-related stuffs and just got home today. My bad for not giving you a heads-up sooner. I'll have the cleaned-up version ready and uploaded in the next 2 days.


263.28 MB file on MEGA



If this turns into actual netorare I'll just forget I ever read it. But I hope and think it will go like Netorare no tami's other doujin, the "7 days of cuckolding" or whatever. Hinako won't leave Yuichi, she will prob break up with him out of guilt, he refuses, and they both stay as a couple(but she'll be pregnant with Goda's baby). I really, really hate normal netorare so I hope it doesn't turn out like that, if it does I'll have wasted time and I'll prob be slightly depressed. This is why I wish netorase and netorare would actually be separate, instead of blended.


Random predictions of things that might happen next chapter(s): > 1. Goda starts hanging out with Yuichi and Hinako again in the mornings and lunchtime. - He probably only stopped because he didn't want Yuichi to get suspicious of them. Since he's shown Yuichi these videos, he feels his victory is inevitable. So, he probably no longer sees any reason to not spend as much time with Hinako as possible now. It's not like Yuichi can do anything about it. He has to pretend to be oblivious, or Hinako will know that he knows and break up with him. Speaking of which... > 2. Yuichi plays dumb and continues going on sexless dates with Hinako. - Keeping up appearances is the only option Yuichi can choose that keeps him and Hinako together. That said, Goda knows he's basically won at this point, so... >3. It becomes more and more obvious during Yuichi's dates with Hinako that her heart is beginning to fall to Goda. - Hinako might start showing up to the dates late, looking disheveled or exhausted from sex with Goda. She might get a text on her phone, leave Yuichi to go to the bathroom in the middle of the date, and come back looking like she just had a quickie. Or worse yet, she might make up an excuse and cancel a date with Yuichi to go have sex with Goda instead. And Yuichi will find out about all of this because... > 4. Goda sends Yuichi more photos/videos of himself with Hinako. - In addition to pics/vids of Hinako having sex with Goda mid-date, or in lieu of a date, Goda will continue meeting up with her regularly for the normal fwb meetups. Goda will pressure her during every meetup to break up with Yuichi and become his instead, and Hinako's refusal of the proposal will grow less and less adamant over time, ultimately leading to... > 5. Goda and Hinako kissing. - Hinako finally decides she loves Goda enough to allow kissing during sex. Goda, of course, is so good at it (despite having zero experience) that it drives Hinako wild. She ends up wanting to kiss him all the time afterwards, and maybe even stops kissing Yuichi on their dates, thus ending all intimacy between herself and Yuichi. And with that penultimate hurdle cleared, all that's left is... > 6. Hinako leaves Yuichi for Goda/Hinako gets pregnant. - I'm not sure which one would happen first, but both are likely to happen eventually.


i mean the autor is Netorare No Tami and always had an ntr tag on it, so its expected