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Hey everyone,

I've just finished the initial draft translation of the latest chapter. You can now download it using the link above.

Enjoy the read, and as always, thank you for your support!


Hey everyone, I wanted to share some thoughts on the latest chapter since I don't have anyone to discuss it with, haha.

This chapter really showcases the most horrible side of Hinako we've seen so far. She had zero care or sympathy when she saw Yuichi hurting right in front of her. And the humiliation she put him through during their sex, basically mocking him by implying that only Yuichi can experience pleasure when they have sex (reading Yuichi's self-pity is really painful). Plus, she showed him zero respect by giving only a half-assed reply when he told her he loves her so much as she walked out the door. On top of that, her total lack of concern for Yuichi's well-being after a typhoon hit them and having no communication for 6 days straight! And finally, the whole lying situation about what went down at Genki's house at the end of the chapter.

You might find yourself hating Hinako in this chapter (if you haven't done so already). I don't know if the author meant for us to feel this way, but it's understandable why people are mad. The author seems to have forgotten about the original charm of the series, which was the relationship between Hinako and Yuichi. It's rare to witness a strong bond between a smoking hot girl and a weak-ass shota. Hinako used to be in control and dominant, always aware of Yuichi's limits and boundaries. But now, she's turned into a submissive btch for someone else and giving in to pleasure. What the hell happened?

Anyway here's the two most common theories from people's comments about what might have happened in this chapter:

  • Hinako was telling the truth and they didn't actually have sex. She just feels guilty because she saw how reliable and strong Genki is during an emergency, and she has developed feelings for him. (unlikely)

  • Hinako was lying and they did have sex. But she feels guilty because they ended up having raw sex after running out of condoms during their nonstop fcking for almost 6 days. It's also possible that because she was teased so much and became so horny, Genki probably told her to leave Yuichi for him or say that she loves him more than Yuichi before he would let her taste his dick again. (more likely)

Overall, it's pretty clear that she's hiding something from Yuichi.

I apologize for venting here, but what do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts!


She Is Being Targeted ~Sex Edition~ [Initial Draft].zip

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It looks like the author finally gave in to his cumbrain and NTR sadist fans who love a nightmare endings. As you mentioned, the appeal of this story was that Yuichi and Hinako's relationship was above anything and everything. If she seriously did fuck Genki and is hiding it, yeah, this story is going down the shitter quickly. To expand on that statement, it tarnishes all previous chapters of the relationship building and trust developed between Yuichi and Hinako. What I wish happened: * After the typhoon and phones are back in service, Yuichi gets a barrage of LINE notifications on his phone. There are missed calls, deleted messages, and deleted pictures and videos (not sure if the app is capable of all this) * When he rushes to Hinako's house, there's evidence on Hinako's neck and cleavage of hickies. * Hinako doesn't dismiss Yuichi but teases him more saying things that may or may not have happened but with the same reassurance we were so used to in earlier chapters. What I think will happen: * For the rest of the year, every release we get will be 1 of 6 days during the blackout. * Content creep at it's finest but no actual development in the story until the Decemberish? Where we find out that Hinako's going to start dating Genki openly.


No it's not? I deeply disagree. If their relationship comes before the hentai, then what was the point of making it hentai? You have a whole anime, Nagatoro, that went the way you're describing - let us have the payoff after this long and drawn-out buildup.


NTS is a specific type of hentai that focuses on the relationship aspect before anything else. If that relationship is disrespected, it just becomes NTR. It's not as popular as NTR, so I understand if people aren't familiar with it. But yeah honestly, I've already given up hope that Hinako will stay faithful to Yuichi. Even if the author tries to backtrack and say she wasn't cheating, she's already crossed so many boundaries and shown too much disrespect towards Yuichi that she can no longer be seen as the sweet, caring, mischievous girlfriend she was initially portrayed as in the beginning of the series.