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Hello everyone!

Due to some personal reasons, and also receiving and finalizing some late entrants, the poll is being delayed a day or two. But don't worry, it is still coming with all of the approved ideas very soon, in about a day or two at most.

I will also take this opportunity to clarify a rule that, while not explicitly said in the original announcement post, it was kinda implied as a logical conclusion in the sub-text of all the rules combined together.

OK so we have 4 concurrent polls right? Separated by overall fetish groups, and the top most voted from each gets made into the game.

Now remember that I set a rule that, a given enemy can only have 1 bad end scenario in the game.

What happens if, hypothetically, the same enemy becomes the top voted in two or more different groups? This is possible because the same enemy can appear in group A and in group B or C, with a different idea fitting each group sure, but the same base enemy.

So well, in that case, only the entry with the most overall vote power gets made, in whatever group that happens to be.

Then, the other 1st place of the same enemy on a different group concedes its place to the 2nd place of that same group, so on and so forth (if necessary), until the 4 winners are all different unique enemies.

Not the perfect situation I know; I'd love to have 2 or even more different bad end scenarios for the same enemy (the possibilities are endless really), but again, I have to keep myself in check and this means creating artificial/arbitrary limitations, otherwise I'll drown myself in too many feature creep and the game would never get released. This also helps spreading out the content across various different enemies, otherwise the handful of fan favorites would have like 10 different scenes for them LOL

As always, thank you very much for your understanding and patience!

Best Regards,


Vik Virtue

Seems fair enough, though now I'm wondering which enemies have gotten multiple entries now.