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Hello again!

The submission period for the polls is still ongoing, and I'm accepting new ideas until around the 14th of this month. After that date, I'll consolidate and finalize all of the approved entrants and post the polls here for everyone to vote.

In parallel to organizing the polls, I'm working on a few neat things that I wanted to add to the game. Above in the preview gif, you can see a work-in-progress of two new special skills for Maya: a ground pound, and an air dash, which I'm naming "Drill Dash".

The "Ground Pound" is performed by pressing A+DOWN; it makes Maya quickly descend until she hits the ground or an enemy. The blast radius on the impact point is small, but it hits very hard, doing even more damage than the powerful sword slash.

The "Drill Dash" is performed using the same key of the usual dash (default D), but this time in the air. The idea for this air dash is for it to be even faster than the ground one, therefore covering more distance.

Additionally, the drill dash will perform a similar function to the sliding tackle whereas Maya can enter small tunnels to access otherwise unreachable areas. But since the drill dash is air-borne, Maya will now be able to enter tunnels that the sliding tackle simply can't reach. I'm also considering making the drill dash do some small amount of damage to enemies and stuff, maybe even breaking certain blocks or parts of the stage... we'll see how it goes.

For the past updates, I've been focusing on the erotic animation side by adding new enemies and stuff (which requires a lot of time for drawing every frame), so from now on I'll be switching focus to adding more mechanical things to the game (such as these new skills), and now I'll continue to work on adding new fun gameplay elements, focusing on new features and little systems that I've wanted to add for the longest time.

Well, other than that, the polls will be coming around the 15th, so be on the lookout for them and make sure to cast your votes, because once again you're gonna decide which one of the cool scenes being submitted will become reality in the game!

Best Regards,



Vik Virtue

Holy moly, those are pretty intense skills. Either Maya learned some crazy moves back home or that island has some wicked powers. I'm getting excited just for the story now, but of course I'm eager to see everyone's ideas.

Lilly Anderson

Yaaay, new gameplay features incoming 🥳🎉🥂 I'm especially curious to see how the currency / shop / armor retrieval system will work. No more endless free respawning potions 😅


Her legs look a bit goofy flying out to the side like that lol