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Just a small update to close this 30 days dev cycle. It has the 1st part of the final stage of the game (where the eventual story climax will unfold) and 3 new enemies with 3 new ero scenes.

Although to be more precise it is 1 new enemy that has 3 color variants with different attack patterns, while each having their own unique ero scene. The enemy are automatons and reside inside the high tech structure, and they perform different tasks inside there, although to what end is still a mystery at this point.

These 3 new ero scenes are a bit quirky in that they are all centered around the transformation of Maya into certain familiar faces, and after that the robots perform some weird tests on altered Maya. As you'll see there is a lot of potential for the scenes of these kinds of enemies but for now I'll leave any potential extended game overs or permanent transformations to be made in the late alpha phase of development.

Speaking of which, with the release of this 1st part of the final stages, all that remains to create are the 2nd part, then the final boss arena, and another boss arena for the Swamp/Gardens area. At that point this early alpha phase of development will be completed and I will move on to the late alpha phase, which I'm really excited to get to soon.

I can't wait to get to that phase because it is a polishing and refining phase, where I'll go back and start touching up various aspects of the game while also including the final features such as the story. Some of those touch ups include:

1) Redrawing the most basic ero scenes, like for instance the starfish which was the very 1st scene that I drew (and it shows). I'll also touch up and change/add other ero scenes and I want to add some variants (for instance, the futanari minotaur could really a sex scene with Maya, big bulges and all).
2) Adding some special game overs for certain characters.
3) Re-design most of the stages in terms of layout, and create more details for the foreground and backgrounds.
4) Re-balance the combat and damage.
5) Add new features and systems such as the castle shop, rework existing systems such as the save/load (add infinite slots instead of just 10), rework the teleportation system, etc.
6) Add the NPC's and story events, collectible notes and other things to finally reveal the full story of MKM.

These are just the highlights, but of course there will be many more changes big and small in all game elements such as gameplay, UI and quality-of-life features as I work towards the final 1.0 version.

For a number of reasons I want to release the final version of MKM next year around this same time of the year, so around summer of 2023. I'll try my best to release the final game in about a year at most.

But for now, for this August's dev cycle I'll be working on the 3 winners of July's poll and hopefully have them completed in their full glory by the end of that month.

Thank you very much for your continued support and kind words! They keep me going strong as I work towards completing my 2nd game project, and I'll confess that I'm really excited for future prospects and to create more game projects!

Best Regards,




I like these enemies, they make good use of the transformations without just being a flat game over (I also like the actual content of the animations). It would be great if the idea of lasting effects does work out, it would add a lot more flair to each enemy, both in terms of the erotic content and the actual gameplay. Heck maybe you could even do something like have transformation specific actions that are required to solve a puzzle, such as having the enemy turn you into the batgirl, which then allows you to fly up to an otherwise inaccessible secret location with a power-up or two. Maybe too much feature bloat though?


I'm always on board with new transformations :D It's just a bit weird right now that Maya just turns back to normal as soon as the robots finished their tests. It makes sense in most scenarios that Maya can just continue on, but here it seems weird for her to just revert back. Also I'm stuck in the room with all the tubes. Is there a way to get past the barrier currently or is this as far as we can go?

Vik Virtue

There are some spots you can go into. The wires in the background give hints.

Vik Virtue

Ah, cool! An update so soon after the polls ended. The new enemies are nice. Some good TF there, and though they don't lead to game overs, they sure open up some possibilities. Especially when paired with the mysterious tubes strewn about. I wonder what were in the ones that were broken? Ha, thinking of the lore for the game already. Speaking of that, it's cool to see that you're close to going back on that in the future. Good H-scenes make a good H-game, but I love when there's some interesting story that makes said game great. I can't wait to see how the game will look in a year with all the stuff you got planned for it. Story, touch ups, the works. Also you mentioned a boss for the swamp area. Is that a boss you already have planned or perhaps another poll in the future will help with that?


I thing a cool idea for a swamp boss maybe a duo of bosses? Maybe like a pig and a swine, or maybe orcs? Or some different creatures, like a plant and a pig?


I didn't try the update, and I just tried fighting the witch boss, and I don't know how about you, but the witch boss without offensive skills is quite a challenge (I do have the skills, just decided not to use them), but it also seems very doable. Like, tough, but not impossible. I really recommend to fight her like this.


Why so heavy on pigs being in a swamp? It would most likely contain more plants or maybe a fae boss. I do like the idea of a gank squad though, a more slimy take on the first druid/alraune boss