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Hi there!

The "Princess Update" is now completed (full change-log is attached at the bottom of this post) and you can download the game using one of the links bellow:

Download .ZIP
Download .RAR

This update required close to 2 weeks more than I anticipated but I've got some good results to show: a new boss (always takes a bit more effort), a new stage and 2 new common enemies. With 4 new scenes for the boss and 2 for the common enemies, also taking into account the internal views for these it means there is a lot of action going on for your enjoyment!

Speaking of which, the princess brings in a lot of "girls love" so if you enjoy this type of content I think you'll find the new scenes quite appealing. She also brings a bit more of exposition about the story, although it is not much since I haven't even fleshed out the whole plot yet at this stage of development, but I think it will at least pique the interest of everyone a bit.

To be honest, I can't wait to finish this early alpha stage of development and begin working on adding in the proper story and plot elements, but one step at a time. That said, I've been definitely dropping some hints here and there... although admittedly, they are quite elusive and opaque at this point so you would have to be some kind of savant to figure it out haha... until I properly flesh it out that is.

Another addition is the new stage: The Dungeons. It requires a key that you get after defeating the princess, and the entrance is at the bottom of that main area of the castle. I wanted to make a stage that had an "oppressing" felling so I hope that you enjoy exploring it. Please take extra care while exploring it... you'll know what I mean.

I've also added 2 new common enemies unique to the dungeon. I wanted to do something crazy with one of them, but after being stuck on this problem for a while I decided to scrap it so as to not keep delaying the development of the game.

Feature creep is a real issue in game dev and it has ruined many games that then ended up being abandoned, and that is the last thing that I want to do because I want to be realistic and complete all of my projects, which more often than not means cutting things that would be cool or fun to have, specially as I work alone and have to balance all of the different elements such as programing, drawing, designing, etc. If I let it all go out of control it can get overwhelming.

So that is why I want to thank you very much for your support and specially your patience while waiting for this update. It did break my usual "every month or so" schedule for releasing updates but I have to confess that working for a month and a half on updates might be an ideal time-frame going forward, as it allows me more time to work with more refinement and care.

And with this version released, we're getting closer and closer to completing the early alpha development. It will be done once I have all of the stages created and since there's only a handful more of main stages to be added (about 5 or so) the end goal is now in reach.

At that point, I'll start the late alpha stage of development which will be much shorter (faster) then this early alpha: I will go back and lay down the proper flow of the gameplay, rework some stage's layouts, add new variants of ero scenes for existing enemies, add in features like the gallery and witch's shop, add NPC's and flesh out the story, etc.

But like I said before, one step at a time! For now I'll be focusing on adding more stages and new unique enemies for Maya to fight against!

Finally, thank you very much for your support, comments and suggestions. Sometimes I might not reply to all of them, but I read every single one them. So please let me know what you think of the update and the new scenes, oh and please report any bugs that you may encounter!

Best Regards,




Started playing this update right around when it was dropped, and here's my thoughts so far (also includes more general stuff since this is the first review I've posted) Gameplay - The boss fight was fun and engaging - I liked how it incorporated more vertical elements to the fight than previous bosses - The dungeon was interesting to explore, and excited to see where this one leads to next - With the mention of more story coming in the future, I'm intrigued to see how the dungeon rooms get used to show the history of the castle Ero scenes - Princess: hot - Dungeon man: also hot - Purple slime: is it just me or do maya’s hips keep getting wider with each new area? (not personally into vore stuff but that’s fine, there are plenty of other scenes for me to enjoy) Suggestions - The magic attack slash seems quite powerful and made short work of the princess fight. I killed her in around 4 magic attacks on normal difficulty (I have 12 “attack up” upgrades) so it may need a nerf. (maybe decrease the damage on it a bit, or potentially tie invincibility duration and magic damage to spirit upgrades instead of attack upgrades) - Id like to see more backtrack stuff like with the crimson staff, and reward players for using more mechanics (double jump, dash jumps, maybe also allow maya to keep momentum when casting invincibility? That could lead to some interesting optional challenges) Bugs? - not sure if its supposed to be this way, but sometimes when the princess was in one of the upper corners of the room, she would shoot a single ice spike and they would always fly directly down beneath her. I didn’t see the same problem when there was a volley of ice spikes being shot at me great update and had a lot of fun playing through this one. keep up the great work!

Vik Virtue

Alright, here I go. Firstly, really nice update. I liked the princess boss, and I would say she's probably the hardest boss in the game right now, with all her quirks for the fight. However, as mentioned already, there's a bug with her 3-way icicle shot, and I might have a good guess as what's going on. It looks like she keeps trying to go in one direction, and not realize she's flying into a wall, causing her projectiles to collide into the wall and break, save for the one that goes directly down. Anyway, aside from that, the ero scenes were pretty top notch. All the yuri scenes were really nice and varied, and the vore scene was great as well. You weren't kidding when you said you wanted to make the belly big this time. :3 And I was curious to see which direction you'd take the unbirth scene towards, though either way would have been a satisfying result, I'm sure. The enemies were a nice touch as well. The brute scene was good. Cool to see some more size difference H scenes. Also I love their body shape. Big buff guys with small legs always make me giggle. The slime was another good scene as well. A nice mix of vore and...transformation? I guess? No, not that, but I'm having trouble thinking of the right word for it now. Ah, it's fine. Besides, like I said, the scene was really good still. Also, I think I misunderstood one of the things you said in the last post. You said you were gonna refine two common enemies, but I suppose you were referring to the new dungeon enemies, and not two enemies that were presently in the game. Though on the bright side, I did go through all the scenes again, and I gotta say your work has really been getting better the more you've added to the game. So good going, man. Game's great and the update came out really well.

Dirk Dagger

Good content as always - I do wish the princess' threat/promise had been incorporated into her game over, though. Out of curiosity, what was the 'something crazy' that was scrapped?


I really like the new update though I got a bit lost, the cells in the dungeon lead me to a dead end with a lamia and getting to the bottom just lead to nothing, usually I look for that sign that says this is where the update ends but if that's not there then I think I reached the end, if not is there something I missed?


I honestly didn't struggle with the princess. Dolls are easy to deal with if you dash into them, she usually misses you with the 3-shot if you just stand still, etc etc


Looks great, the new scenes are all good. The dungeons are quite fun to explore but I do hope that there will be one or two enemies with a bondage theme added. I just think that would fit the area perfectly, what with all the pillories and chains and cages around ^^ Also I'm curious, will there ever be another poll for future enemy themes or is the over permanently?


Thanks for the detailed feedback! Indeed the princess can become quite trivial with the full upgrades, but for now that is fine because I will only properly fix it in the balancing stage of development. Also yes at that point I'll add some backtracking gameplay, secrets and rewards!


Thank you for the detailed feedback as usual Vik! Yeah I'll be looking into her icicle skill, it is a bit easy to dodge right now and also sometimes it can get stuck near a wall. Ah I'm happy to hear that you've enjoyed the enemies design and scenes. And regarding the refinement of enemies, now looking at it I can see that I wasn't very clear: indeed I was talking about those 2 new enemies. You see I have a handful of enemy concept designs that I do quick sketch but then don't implement in the game, because I like to leave them on the backburner for a bit to see if I trully like their design or them re-design them entirely, that kind of stuff.


Regarding the princess threat, it will be incorporated. The original plan is for all of the bosses in the game to have certain "special events". Those are "what-if?" scenarios or "bad-ends' if you will (bad is not the appropriate word but...). The idea is for those events to act like a mini Visual Novel, with some CG's and dialogue depicting what happened to Maya after she was defeated by one of the bosses. Therefore for the princess her short story will show Maya happily living as the princess attendant/mistress and falling in love with her.


Ahh no you're correct, I forgot to add the sign post at the bottom of the level. If you've reached the slimes and gone down the central shaft there until you reach the cavernous area with the white tileset, then yeah that is the current end. I forgot to add the sign because they usually are posted near the edges where there will be a stage transition which is not the case here, instead in the area at the bottom will be located one of the final key items of the game, so that made it slip my mind.

Vik Virtue

True, and on the normal fight, yeah. But when it's the harder rematch, you gotta make every hit count and avoid as much as possible since bosses hit like a truck in the rematches. And you won't always have the debug advantages.

Vik Virtue

Oh, I forgot in my last post, but I enjoyed the level as well. It really had that oppressive atmosphere that steadily grew as the levels went deeper underground. And it was pretty funny seeing all those enemies in the cells, like it makes you wonder what they did to get there.


I would love to pitch in and add some enemy ideas for sure, specially in court for this game since rebirth/transformation is rather represented well here, even more so when the sense of permanence is well capture by a game over.


Ah good, thanks for telling me, excited to see what comes next

Dan Smith

The new dungeon's platforming is pretty fun!


Really like that new update! Love when the H scene are like a threesome like the 2 guard in the village! Really nice job! ❤️ (Sorry for my english 😂)


Can't reproduce it well but you cheese the princess. If you hit (so far just saw it on upslahes) her while she grabs you, she somehow contiues getting hit by your sword and takes damage despite being in the ero scene. With some potions you then can just wait until she dies...


Also the final final werewolf animation(so.. most last scene that plays of the last part...) bugs. Werewolf keeps clitting around a bit, or his animation is not looped, not sure


how do you get to the shield lever, im lost


It is located on the bottom right corner of the normal version of the stage, inside a room. So from the initial entrance into the hallways, you can just go right and up the room at the end.

Ember Elliot

I had trouble with this lever also, it's in the room with the bed and the cat poster with two chandeliers, you have to open it with two other levers first however.