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Download: MEGA .rar
Download: MEGA .zip

As promised, here's a small release with the 2nd part of the hills stage and the stats system, as well as some small additions (detailed in the changelog). You can always copy your save folder and use it in new versions to continue from the last point.

Next I'll be working on the futanari boss fight and hopefully release that in about another week or so. Then I'll work on the salamander woman and release that by the end of this month.

In other news I'd like to address two things that I've discussed in private with some patrons (please feel free to contact me anytime):

1) Stages are kinda empty and lack an objective

Indeed they are, and that's simply a factor of the point in development that the game is in. As the game is in early alpha the stages are there more or less as "placeholders" so that once I lay down the basics of the entire island I can then refine and add the game design flow to them.

Meaning that once I have the basic layout of all stages, then I'll make the refinement pass both mechanically (item and skill progression, level interconnections, difficulty balancing, smarter enemy behaviour, etc) and visually (props and decoration, sprite rework, etc).

So rest assured that the state of the stages as they are now is not final; they are there to give a general idea of the end vision and to be minimally playable for patrons so that you can follow and play along the development. 

2) How long will development take until version 1.0

I can tell you this: I won't prolong the development more than it should. The simplest reason for that is that I want to make more and different games, and for that to happen I have to actually finish projects before I move on to new ones. There may come one day when start making my ultimate dream game and spend years upon years working on it... but that day and project are still far in the future.

OK so what does that means for MKM? I'd really like to have it finished by the end of this year so December 2020. But that's a quite a best case scenario considering that all goes well with the development. 

A more realistic period would then be mid next year, June or July 2021. Yeah that is quite a safe date and given the scope for MKM that I've detailed its quite reasonable to reach it. So I could say that there's more or less 1 to 1 year and a half of work to be done until the game is completed. Anything beyond that date becomes worst case scenario for me, and I really REALLY want to avoid that for a number of reasons.

Alright that's all for now. On to work on the boss. 

If you have any more questions or feedback please let me know.

Best Regards!




I just found out about this game and it looks amazing..


Not sure if I just can't figure it out or not, but it looks like once you go past the door in Turqoise Hills you can't get back out, is there some other way?


Do you mean that timed gate? Yes you can't go back trough there at the moment. I'll place an additional lever bellow there so that it can be opened.


Thanks! It is quite early in development so there's a lot of placeholders and things that will be improved, but I'm happy that you've already enjoying it!