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I didn't get much time to work on the game during the past week, but since I couldn't resist the urge to do game development I've started fiddling on some new stuff here and there.

One thing that was needed was a proper save system since the current implementation was just a placeholder. Now there is a dedicated save/load screen that the player can access via the in-game menus. I've added 10 save slots and 1 of those is hybrid; it can be used normally or by both the quick-save and auto-save features which the player can toggle using the advanced options.

Also now when the player is defeated, they can choose to either load one of the save slots or use the new retry feature which will quickly load the game back to a recent checkpoint so that the player can return to the action faster.

The next thing I want to properly implement into the game is the inventory and usage of items. I want to try the "Darksouls" approach: The player has an inventory with multiple categories and many different items, but they are limited to only a few usable action slots (generally 4 slots for the souls-like games). I will try this approach and if it's well received/fun I'll keep it. If not I have some other ideas as well.

Since the save system is already completed, this is what I'll be working next and I want to release a short update very early next month with both of those systems done (plus some bugfixes and improvements). After that I'll then work on the new beach stage and kitsune girl, then make another release around the middle of the month with those, and then hopefully a 3rd release at the end of the month with the beach boss fight and animation. 

It's a good amount of work to do and it might set me back as I'm taking hours that I shouldn't in order to dedicate to game development, but I want to do good for you early supporters and I'm also pumped anyways so I think it's worth it! 

So the rough plan for January looks like:

week 1: 

  •  Post game roadmap (more or less describe all the features that I want the final game to have, and then remove each feature from that list as I implement them) 
  •  Begin gathering entries for the 3rd poll; 
  • 1st patreon small update with the save system and item system.

week 2:

  • Open up new poll to voting;
  • 2nd patreon release with the new beach stage and kitsune girl; (if late, then week 3)

week 3:

  • Close the poll and announce the new custom enemy;

week 4:

  • 3rd patreon release with the beach boss fight and animation;

Of course some of those may change/get delayed etc. But the current intention is to hit all of those goals in that order. Also I'll try to post one of these rough plans every month near the end so that we can be all aligned regarding the general direction of the development.

I would really like to complete MKM next year. I know this patreon only started this November, but when I think back on my first game Pixie Panic Garden it took around 9 months or so from start to finish, working on free weekends, but then again it was a much simpler game: stages where single small screens with 13x15 tiles and more basic mechanics and features.

That said, while Mystic Knight Maya is indeed already more difficult to develop, if all goes well I want to start increasing my time working on the game in order to achieve that goal. It's a hard one I know, but I'll aim even harder for it nonetheless!

So that's my new year's resolution I guess!

Lastly, I want to give a huge thank you very much for all you early supporters! Thank you for believing in me and I hope to do good by that feeling going forward.

Cheers and Happy New Year!



Vik Virtue

It's nice to see that progress is being made on the game, and that you're enjoying it as well, but remember not to push yourself too hard. Burnout is the worst kind of feeling for something you like doing. But alright, let's get to some more game talk. I just have a couple quick questions. For the patreon enemy poll(not the boss one), it's only gonna decide what one enemy is gonna be and do, right? You're gonna throw that one in with other enemies you come up with? And last one, do you think we could get a teensie hint on what the next area will be after the beach?


Thank you for the kind words! I'll be mindful of burnout yes, but given how much I'm enjoying working on the game, I don't think it will become an issue anytime soon. As for the enemies, yes that's the basic idea. My intention is to have 4 different enemies (1 boss and 3 common) per stage: Two of those I'll design myself in order to keep variety up and perhaps draw fetishes that aren't winning the polls (maybe even taking inspiration from some of the entries), and the other two will be decided by the polls. The next main area will be a monster village, home to lizardmen and other humanoid creatures, and the boss will be the minotaur. But to get there the player will have to pass through another small area, which might be a cave/tunnel area or hill/mountainous area.