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EXO's Album 'OBSESSION' is a testament to how EXO has managed to stay contemporary while still keeping their core identity, that their many fans love, intact!

The combination of Hip-Hop, Funk and K-pop works perfectly for EXO.




to be honest in exo the only position that may matter is the dancer, almost all of them could be main vocalists and main rappers in other groups


Unfortunately we don’t have all the songs live from this album but I loveee Jekyll live! Jekyll (not the best quality but it is AMAZING) - https://youtu.be/gqnoQFTCUpA?si=Lcbh5ksawmkbUXrd Also I checked out the tempo album listen as well (btw when there’s a repackaged version of the album, it’s always better to do that as they add more songs! Like love shot is the dmumt repackage and has all the tempo songs+ trauma and wait- do check these two songs out!) Also they have a showcase for it ( the song order is mixed for copyright) https://youtu.be/Bca1r9MwUCc?si=dcUfNJLUCusu3OoP