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One of the reasons I try to hold off on posting is because payments don't start until the first of the FOLLOWING month, I have so many patrons who dip out as soon as the month ends, and while I understand it-it's really unfair because literally JUST as payments are processing I lose like 50+ patron pledges and it makes a huge dent in my expected earnings. Some of them might be frauds but I think most just don't understand the pledging system :(

So note to patrons, wait at least a week into the following month before pulling or changing your pledge ok? I promise I'll have some last minute goodies for you. Along with the patron discord calls! <3



Stay strong!


Makes sense!! Take cake Vivz


I ain't leaving anytime soon! :) Be bold, daring a confident as always Vivz!


I suggest "pay up front" That's what I do because I REALLY don't want to ever deal with those type of people :(


That's perfectly understand!!


That's awful, I'm sorry they do that to you!


no sweat Vivz, been busy lately so I wouldn't mind. . Just take your time.


That's why I set myself for $10 even though I wish I could do more. I'm horrible at saving money but I always make sure to have at least that much. Because your prints and everything else is worth it! I wish I could see the higher tier stuff but I just don't have the money for it... :(

Michael Laws

If everything goes well with my part time job i'll be able to do 5-10$ a month. I just want to see you keep going lol

Michael Laws

Lol I wish I could afford discord calls XD

Michael Laws

So a thought just occured to me. I hand out business cards, wrist bands, put up posters and stuff for my friends DJ group. Do you have anything like that? Things I can hand out to support you and your art?????


I'm loyal, I'll be there. I just wish I can afford the call thing or you making it cheaper, I have so many questions to ask you