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SO-This won't happn anytime soon.

I still owe 100 tier patrons request sketches, and I love doing calls!

But the truth is, It is starting to eat at me, I have been getting a few Patrons who don't feel I'm doing enough (don't worry they aren't current patrons) and even though I'm working constantly with barely any social life or breaks, I still feel like I owe so much to others and it is just becoming rally damaging.

I feel like I should work towards reward tiers that don't require me to feel like I'm in debt when I maybe can't manage something that is like a request or something personal like a call. So I'm asking YOU guys!

What do you think would be potentially a good additional 50$/100$ reward!

maybe something like information about characters, developmental sketches, sketchbook pages, ZP related information?

I'd like to add to the tiers so that, in case I don't manage the current reward in time, you have something else to satisfy!

Plus it occurred to me that not every patreon creator offers things like calls and requests, so I'm just curious what YOU the patrons really yarn for in big pledges! <3



I would reccomend checking into the ToS of Patreon before trying this idea. For your 50/100 tiers, maybe you could out them into a weekly or monthly lottery where the winner gets a sketch or at most flat color with no or really simple bg. Winners are removed from the slots for at least months. Nyh


Well first point me to these so called fans who think you're just a machine and not human. I got a bat with their name on it! Secondly, I think sketches are wondeful and fine. Don't do ANYTHING that makes you spend money like a give away raffle of buy them merchandise. No giving away free merchandise ok?


Don't do anything that'll put more pressure on you than necessary, especially on zp


I honestly believe the current tiers are perfect - as a £50 patron I still appreciate that you give way more than needed - I often can't make calls or streams due to time zones but even then I don't believe I'm not getting enough - because you're still doing what was promised ... it's a patrons issue to deal with things like time zones - so for me personally I believe all tiers are perfect


Well i do like the little sketch requests from last year at the 50 tier and above


I like the idea of the developmental sketches and the character information, I also think that people need to get off your back. Artwork takes time people! You try doing it!


Character sketches for all of your related series is a good tier.


Buongiorno, hangover. Nah , no problem. I'm constantly busy myself. I watch your artwork simultaneously while I'm working or writing assignments. Non tu colpa, just focus on your work &amp; what benefits you. Don't stress yourself if it is. Your artwork is unique like countless other artists. Do what you do, when it's convenient for you. Wish you luck. Also it's Spring Break! Go have some fun! Ciao bell, Piu tardi!

Justin Burrous

Honestly, the tiers look fine to me. If a person is deciding to support your work and you are keeping your end in the rewards. That is pretty much what they should expect with the rewards. If the 100 tier is becoming a bit of a hassle, then perhaps limit the sketches to a one time thing and add a reward like one on one time with Vivienne for a set amount of time each month. Makes it easier to manage the time you need while not overstretching your capabilities.


I am only a $10 tier, but I think they are fine. If anything else, maybe the people in those tiers can have like a little special thing they can vote on every month? Like, you list three characters, and every month, they vote on which one they want to see, and do a solo picture of that character, ranging from hazbin Hotel to Zoophobia. Again, I feel that the tiers look fine, but if you want to add something to your extremely large workload, add something small like that.


Sorry its so stressful :( Not being a higher level Patron I cannot offer feedback sorry.


Well personally, if I was a higher paying Patron, I'd be thrilled over the call. I love speaking with artists I admire and asking for advice and also normal questions like what is really their personal preference on things like tools. I wish people would remember that you're not chained to your desk for their amusement. You have a life you have to live.


I'll just say that I know I've been one of the more stressful people, and we shouldn't be here to make your life more difficult--the opposite!! Anyway! Non-stressful ideas: $50 - Q+A session only about projects/art or occasionally something you've been inspired by, either text chat or one-way voice stream? Are discounts on anything you're selling possible? Does Patreon partner with anybody you could sell your stuff with? Maybe an idea to bring up to Patreon. $100 - A monthly thank you speed draw with names of supporters at this level at the end? It could be a speed draw you were doing anyway. :)