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Poppin' in to give a big ol' update!! FIRSTLY for everyone new, welcome and THANK YOU! Your support helps us create these amazing animated projects and up the ante everytime!

I wanted to give a huge update from my end, and the projects end!

Firstly, you guys will be getting the Hazbin Alastor comic very very soon, along with peeks of the next comics we have in the works! I'll try to post peeks of it every month to make up for the lack of streams I'm managing! Also I'm going to try to get you all my monthly notes as I go over every helluva shot in these episodes! I hope you have been enjoying the peeks given exclusively here so far, we will be sharing more as we get close to airing our episode THIS MONTH! <3

I do have to apologize for struggling to stay on top of the poll illustration, with everything I'm doing on the shows it's tougher to do the additional artwork, that said I'm going to try to do more exclusive notes or peeks to make up for the lacking posts in any tiers! <3

You guys are in for treats as we get close to releasing full Helluva episodes, and don't worry! Hazbin is still being figured out, negotiating big projects like that one take a LOOOONG time but trust me when I say we are all trying to figure out the best way to get you all new episodes as soon as we can!




Looking forward to all of it. =)


You're doing great! :D


Can’t wait!!


Thank you so much!!! We are looking so forward to the episodes, comics, and whatever is coming our way. Ordered the Halloween socks and I can’t wait to wear them!

Exposed Shadow

I can't wait to see the project, it's both projects are sooper exciting!!!


I’m sure you guys are doing an awesome job for both shows .


yesh! updates @.@


Sounds good Viv! Can't wait!


Band new, just saw the pilot a few days ago and I loved it so much I wanted throw some support your way. Also got myself a Alastor shirtv

Michael McKinney

Nice. :) Do you have any issues me with doing a live reading of your comics for YouTube as they come out?


Cant wait for another absolute wonder!!


Congratulations to the whole team!!! very happy about what is coming


I just joined at the beginning of the month and I am so stoked for any content coming our way! Thank you so much for the update, much appreciated and I am totally fine with waiting. I'd rather have it that you take your time to polish your story babies/content then give something rushed. That being said, again thank you for the update and I'm excited to see more! Keep up the amazing work~ so happy to support and be a part of this community~ ♥


I haven't been a fan for long. But I feel in love with Hazbin and Helluva. I am so excited for you and your team. Looking forward to seeing the crazy things you have planed for your characters.


Don't stress yourself over patreon. Your doing so much already and we're all happy to know the episodes are coming out. You and your team are doing fantastically!!

Drew Cornog

So great to hear from you! And don’t worry about being behind, their is A LOT on your plate right now, so I am just happy for the updates every now and then. Additionally, with the new Zoophobia short, it will last me til January until I get starved for something new. IT WAS GREAT SEEING THE ZP CHARACTERS AGAIN!!!




You go girl!


Thanks for keeping us in the loop! Its great to hear that progress is being made and please, take good care of yourselves as I can imagine it is just as daunting as you say it is!


Sounds awesome! Love your animated movies/episodes and art! I can't help but notice some similarities in style and humor with Hiroyuki Imaishi's work (though I'd say yours is better executed). Have you been inspired by Imaishi's work or is the dynamic animation style just really common?


Yay!!! Thanks so much for the updates Viv! We appreciate all your hard work 💕 So so excited to see all this awesome content to come!


Don't feel any pressure to update! I trust you and am glad to just be supporting &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


Thanks so much Viv! Both you and your team work so goddamn hard. It's really amazing keep up the great work! 💜

Rayne Blanc

New Helluva this month?! Fuck yeah, well worth other content drying up a bit imo


I am so excited for all of the awesomeness that you are creating!! Thank you for the update, we understand that you are working hard and are super busy.. so it was very much appreciated. Congratulations!

Death of Ink

Makes sense, I mean Harley Quinn was written in 2017 and wasn't aired till 2019. A project like this needs all the time necessary to help it be realised to its proper form. All the luck and love to you and your crew Viv!


The hype for this is real. We can’t wait to see both series. You guys are doing an marvelous job.


One word: HYPE!!!💕💕


Does anyone have the link to Vitziepops Discord Server if so plz send it to me.


Words cannot express how excited I am for more Helluva Boss! The pilot has become a comfort watch for me, if I need some cheering up or just to clear my head of stress for 11 minutes, I will just put it on and instantly feel at peace. What you and your team are doing is much appreciated and helps more than you know. Thanks so much and keep up the incredible work!




Really hyped for the Alastor comic! It’s finally coming!


Deliverance at long last!


Thanks for the updates Viv! I'm so thrilled the Alastor comic is coming soon and I completely understand that it will take a while for Hazbin, I imagine there's a LOT to manage and go over with A24. I'm happy that we have new Helluva to watch in the meantime though!


Super excited for the Al comic, Viv!


You’re going places, Viv! Wishing you that your mental health isn’t on the tipping edge. Sending my hugs to you💞💞🤗🥰✌🏾🕊


I joines you patreon but i dont know how enter the benefits of you discord server :(


There is no need to apologize, ma'am. I'm sure you and your team are doing all that you are able.


.thank you for the hard work!more power to you and the rest of the team~ ❤️


Well, true art does take time, but I'm still so hyped


Any more projects from ZooPhobia?


I saw a script she had here that said stuff that didn't happen in the cartoon, hopefully she does more Zoophobia shorts ^^ Jack, Zill, Kayla, Spam and Vanexa all looked adorable and awesome, and they even sounded amazing in it! X3


I hope so, And am I the only person to things that Zill might be in an alebrije?


Thank you for updating, looking forward to seeing more!


I can't wait for more!


Very excited cant wait


Enjoying the Hazbin series and I just love, love, LOVE Angel Dust.


Can’t wait for the Alastor comic 👀 I really hope we see Mimzy or Rosie, but I’m excited to read it regardless


The alastor cómic was so cool!!!