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I'm hoping to make a video about this soon but obviously you guys get it first!

Firstly HAPPY NEW YEAR! Like I said posts incoming, Ive been doing more writing then drawing over the past month and a half but I'm gonna work on some patreon exclusive artwork to make up for sluggish seasonal depression times.

BUT I wanted to give you guys the rundown as far as the two biggest projects and what most are here for!

HAZBIN HOTEL: GOAL -get a full season! <3

This month is going to be Hazbin's first month getting pitched. I can't say too much about the pitching, who we are pitching too, and who is attached- but I can say I feel VERY confidently about taking the series out to buyers, I feel like it has a very solid chance. That said there are a few dealbreakers I have, I want to retain my rights to the characters to continue Hazbin comics on the OFFCHANCE it did get picked up and something went wrong or it got canceled. BASICALLY I'm not risking the show being taken fully from me only to not get to have it's story told. That is my dealbreaker and while there is 100% a world where a network allows that, there is also a reality where they don't and they pass. IF that was to happen we are already starting to discuss and plan a potential kickstarter campaign to be able to fund the first season ourselves! To do a season in the time frame that we would need too, and to be the quality of the pilot we would definitely need to throw a big kickstarter (think Critical Role) Which has me anxious but I really think we could do it! <3 But that's why I wanted to try it being pitched first! EITHER way though the next goal for Hazbin is a full season, and I'm determined to make that happen one way or another. It just will take a little time to pitch/plan.

That said, we ARE exploring potential Hazbin shorts, VERY short shorts but still -something- to keep the characters being animated. These depend highly on what the shows fate seems to be leaning towards over the next couple months! But Hazbin COMICS will be in the works starting right away, so you will 100% be seeing more of the Hazbin characters here and publicly very very soon!

HELLUVA BOSS: GOAL- More episodes! 

Me and Brandon have begun writing 6 brand new Helluva Boss episodes and I'm SO excited to get these into production! Helluva is safer to continue indie for now because it gives Hazbin a chance to be pitched solidly without competition while also being a shorter series with a bit less of a serialized plot. I want Helluva to have a story but episodes will be MUCH more episodic! The series is also a lot more centered into comedy, and it's a bit more raunchy (as you all know) so I'm excited to push my own limits into how crazy that one can get. The ideas me and Brandon have been starting to draft for these episodes are already INSANE and I'm stoked to get them rolling.

SO BASICALLY- Both of these projects have more content coming first priority in 2020!

Aside from them I'm trying to do more one off shorts like Holidaze to keep things diverse, try new things, and keep the team with steady projects! I will manage only shorts that can be done without conflicting with Hazbin and Helluva productions, but the first one will be a one off short based on my webcomic "Zoophobia" 

Otherwise it's a lot of development, I'd love to do a one off short based off my thesis film character "Timber" but it's on the shelf for now!

A lot of artwork I'll be posting soon will be development for lots of things, especially the new Helluva episodes and Hazbin comics since they are in the works currently!

Thanks so much for the support, it's helping to make all of this possible and the team and I thank you endlessly for your patience and kindness!


Veronica Bohrer

I hope things go great!!! This girl here still has patience of saint, but really hope things go great!!


AHHH I AM SO EXCITED!! Good luck!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!! And you 100% have a backer in me!


I cant wait!! I'm definitely going to support any kickstarter, hands down. I hope it gets picked up!!


Keep up the amazing work! We all love what you do!


Looking forward to hearing the news. Watched both pilots and really hopefull.


It’s amazing how dedicated you are to Hazbin, Helluva, and everything else! Blows me away! Just remember that no matter what happens, we all have your back!

Death of Ink

Best of luck! We're all with you 100% of the way!!!

Zombie Pony

Good luck with the pitching and finding a studio that you can work with. And if not, I'm sure you'll manage to finance it over Kickstarter.


I’m super excited to see what you all have in store for us!


Try not to over exert yourselves best of luck Can't wait to see what more you come up with Always happy to support projects

Christopher Guerra

Coming up: an indisputable reason to subscribe to VRV Premium 😁


Very proud of you and the crew as well. ^_^ &lt;3&lt;3&lt;3&lt;3&lt;3&lt;3


Good luck to you and your team during your pitch! I really hope that you guys get picked up!


Definitely do the Kickstarter, you’ll have my help!


Hella excited and good luck....wishes all around


Yes yes yes keep those rights! I have seen people lose their creations (in comics) because they let the company take the rights to their creation in effort to get published, etc.


So exciting!!! Can't wait to see how everything unfolds this year, I wish you the best! &lt;3


Ahhhhhh you can do it! I can't wait to see what this year holds!

Flare Friday

YOU GOT THIS VIV!!! You, Brandon and the rest of the SpindleHorse team are gonna ROCK THIS WORLD!!

Brownie Bites

Just take my money!! Please!!! 😭 Whatever helps you and your team to keep doing the amazing job you’re doing! ❤️❤️❤️


Take your time, bossing people around can be tough 😁


Hope the pitch goes well!


I can’t wait to see more Hazbin and Helluva, whether that’s in WIP artwork, animation clips, Hazbin pitching updates, etc. I absolutely adore the characters and the world they’re in! Good luck to you and the whole team!


We're all here for you, Ms. Medrano! If you ever need extra support or donations or anything at all, don't hesitate to let us know. We're all really proud of how far you've come, and how far you're going. You're going to be great. :)


Seems you’ve gotten ahead of your game😊🙌🏾 Best wishes for both ur passion projects!


That sounds like a solid gameplay! Good luck! I'm just a little nervous that Hazbin could get picked up by a network that is not broadcasting in Europe, so we'll see :). It's a challenge when you have an international fanbase ;).


This really sounds fantastic. We are here for you. Please remember to take time for yourself when you need it.


Good luck! You go girl!


@ adult swim


This hypes me up! Good luck and please don't overwork yourself! :D


I'd fund the fuck out of a Kickstarter so you could make the show exactly what you want it to be


What about Allison or Classic?


Well you have the full support of this random person on the internet for kickstarter but here hoping your pitch goes threw


Не знаю про других, но у нас уже Рождество... Так что просто: Счастливого всем Рождества!)) (И да. Я не хочу писать на английском. Нет возможности. А я сам не очень в нем силен. Прошу понимания. И кому интересно было тот перевел) хD


I have a feeling that the Kickstarter would do REALLY well (so many people I know have seen or heard of Hazbin Hotel and love the characters) but I do hope you can find somewhere to pitch that will let you retain the major rights. Just take it easy, your true die-hard fans are here for you through thick and thin and we want you to be emotionally and physically healthy as well :).


Allison is on the shelf, I'me seeing what it could be someday but not a high priority! Classic is also on the shelf but it's also in my pitching pile when I go to studio meetings needing things to pitch ^^

Krishna Dudhee

If possible could you put this on Netflix if the content is acceptable?


You got this. You have a solid body of work to communicate exactly what you are trying to pitch, and the pilot is so beloved by people all across the country that there's bound to be a studio that would be excited to help fund this work. I believe in you.


Make sure you have control over the writting and plot as well. We don't need a corporation ruining the story. That's mostly why shows like SWTCW were so sucessful, Dave Filoni was allowed to manage the storyline himself.


You definitely got this Vivsie! I support you and your team all the way! Just please remember to breathe and take it easy from time to time! I can't wait to see more Hazbin Hotel in the future! Good luck to you and your team and best wishes!


Good luck in your pitching!


I'm super excited to see more of what you and your team make! You will always have my full support, no matter what choice you make.

Savage Shark

As always you and your team do amazing work. Looking forward to what you guys come up with for shorts and new episodes on Helluva Boss. Best of luck with the season on HazbinHotel.


Wishing you the best of luck in getting Hazbin pitched but I'm also super happy that you're not going to let anyone take the characters away from you. My biggest fear is big name producers (adult swim, netflix, etc) draining all of the unique life and creativity out of this world and these characters. I'm fine waiting a while for another episode as long as it means that the story is staying yours. I only discovered Hazbin with the pilot but shit I'm in it for the long haul now, on a network or on a Kickstarter I'm all in


Gosh, I'm late in reading this! But I wish you the best of luck in accomplishing all your goals! I can't wait to see more Hazbin and Helluva Boss! Good luck!

Bryce McKenzie

I can't wait to see more. You're all amazing, and I'm glad to have become a patron


Best of luck to you! I love the work you put into Hazbin and I want you to continue making it regardless of what others think. I know that I love it and I hope you keep making the series! Much love and appreciation for even coming up with the idea of Hazbin Hotel!


aun que tome tiempo, al final es mejor un trabajo bien echo y que tenga la esencia del creador. Saludos


Amazing news all round, and good luck with all of it! Can't wait to see what comes next


Noice can’t wait to see them come out


Ya know, I really hope a studio accepts the show, but at the same time I really hope they don't change your current art style.


Good luck, big thumbs up!


As long as the studio you end up with, if you don't just keep making them the way you are, doesn't want to utterly butcher everything. That's what I worry about with studios.. Though I can't see you accepting something like that, with how much you and others have put into this. All I can do is hope I'm right, lol. :3 LOVE your work.


I think you should pitch to Rooster teeth personally but that's just me


Cartoon Hangover would probably be a good studio for you


We're behind you every step of the way!


If you end up needing a kickstarter you've got my contribution for sure!