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Tomorrow I will updating the tier rewards with things I know for a FACT I can hit every month. I'm sick of being unable to follow up on things like requests. It's not due to not wanting too it's GENUINELY a reality of being burnt out and busy with actual work, so I want to start giving worthwhile things instead of just random things I manage!

Tomorrow I will be implementing more things and being more active here for posting!

I plan on doing more patreon exclusion illustration and sketch pages, and finally streams! so stay tuned <333



Inb4 many comments


I look forward to it! 😊

Epik Asia

No worries lady bro. Like you've said you've been stupid busy with so much you're doing, it's totes understandable! 😊✨💕 Just dont push yourself too much, we dont dont want a fried out Mum. Haha 💜


Extras are super nifty, but I think what we mostly want is to know that Hazbin is steaming along okay. That's what we are looking forward to most of all.


No worries keep up the good work have a clear mind and just do what u live to do


Hey, a totally understandable decision and nice change of the profile pic


Hazbin is coming along amazing!! It's just hard to show a lot because most of the animation/art is being done by other artists too, and we are TRYING to keep leaks n spoilers as minimal as we can! But i'll be making sure to show progress each month till it's out!!