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Hey Guys!!

Once again thank you so much for your donations and support! Thanks to you all we are chugging along at production on HH full tilt and AIM to finish before the summer is over!!

I'll keep you posted, and once more starts getting done I'll be sharing all peeks exclusively here!

BUT Thanks to all this amazing support and because I want to keep a ton of my HH crew around working on more things and continue to make content for you guys-

I'm planning a run of shorter short cartoons to put up on my channel, some adult some family friendly!! So starting soon you will be getting exclusive content of the development of almost all of these short films!

The starting off ones will be "Helluva Boss" which I plan to pitch to Brandon Rogers to help with writing, and an untitled ZP comedy short that will be a loving callback to the comic for those of you who remember it, but in a comedic way. The plot involved Damian reacting to the existence of HH! <3

I'm working on which ones will follow these two, I'm also going to develop some short concept for the exclusive purpose of pitching to studios! So I'll try to show art for those ones as well, but I'm keeping my personal favorites to be produced for my channel first!

I want to keep indie and original content alive online and on my channel so I want to turn my channel into a hub for fresh new cartoons of all kinds and try to get more of my ideas out of my head! But don't worry, it won't impede HH content! -also if you want your money to go exclusively still to HH don't worry, it's still funding the pilot as well COMICS -so stay tuned for HH comics as well!

But thanks to Patreon and Merch sales I'm making enough money to keep funding fun things, so I don't want things to just hault after HH finishes!

ALSO -that all said, I'd love to know what you think I can start giving to make up for my backed up request schedule, I still plan on doing owed requests, but I want to cut out that tier entirely since I feel guilty when I'm unable to  stay ontop of it!

Maybe more indepth peeks at things? Maybe names in credits? Maybe direct looks at pitch bible progress or access to PSD files or animation files? Lemme know your idea for higher up tiers! 

Have a great one guys!!

I'm so excited for the future, some of the new ideas are really fun and in the same spirit of HH and some are more appropriate for kids to watch as well for my younger fans!!


Flare Friday

I think the PDF files is a good idea, kinda like what Ashley's doing on her patreon for one of her teirs!!

Flare Friday

SUPER Hyped for the shorts AND the comics!!! We're all proud of you!!

Whiffy Plush

This is so exciting! I'm cheering you and the Hazbin team on!


I'm most excited about Damian getting his own short since the Son of 666.


Just to clarify, I'm pretty sure I know the answer but, "Finish by end of summer" This is referring to just the pilot, rather than multiple episodes.


Sounds awesome, good luck!


Oh wow, this is so exciting, can't wait! I agree with Flare-Hart, I think the PSD files would be a great idea, looks at the pitch bible also sounds interesting!


This all sounds super exciting! I cant wait to see more future content from you, it's simply the best! And I think the PDF files is a great idea. Thanks for the updates and Good luck viv 😁


I'm interested in how you do the writing+storyboarding, &amp; how it interleaves with other design: Did you develop character designs, character personalities, the world, or the story in any particular order? Did you write a script or go straight to storyboards? What order did you write the scenes in? What did you change &amp; what did you throw out as the story developed?


I'm really looking forward to all of this! I'm a little sad I can't go back and re-read Zoophobia since tumblrs hidden some of the pages 😟😖😩


It would be hilarious to have Brandon Rogers on a project and I'm so excited for HH and hearing that it could come out at the end of summer is some great news. Here's hoping for a wonderful start for HH


Also, I like the idea of access to the files at a higher rank


I'm a bit new to patreon, so I'm a bit confused but if Hazbin Hotel does end at some point, I'd love to see the cartoons you have thought of! I wish you well in all of your indevours and I hope you have a wonderful day! also hi o/


so wait, are the pilot and comics all that are gonna be made from HH? I thought the plan was to pitch it to studios and continue it from there.

Flare Friday

HH COMICS AND SHORTS!!!! O3O &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3