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So sorry for belated update post on here. The last few days have been intense furniture hauling and attempting to deal with taxes and other important life things. But I will still aim to post everything the 5th as usual! Still don't know when I can manage Jan's patron call but hopefully I can pick a date soon!

Thank you for the patience, I discovered we sadly had some big Hazbin patreon leaks recently so I need to be extra careful with what I share again, but hopefully I can still find some gems!

Stay tuned!

And thank you as always for donating and pledging! <3

Love you guys!



We know the busy days don't you worry, hope everything works out for you soon though~ can't wait for the update :3


What is it with people leaking Patreon stuff? Has this always been a problem, or have I just been blind to it, because I've seen a lot more posts about it lately. "Hey, [entity x] makes [cool shit y], but you can only access it if you pay them [dollar amount z] for it. Well I'm just gonna make it all public for free!" I can understand (even if I don't agree) with that rationale when it comes to multi-billion-dollar record companies and movie studios and such; but to see it extend to creators who are--and no offense is intended here--small potatoes comparatively is just infuriating.


This leak-mentality is making me sad. This is about respect, especially since we are all waiting for the pilot. *sigh* Sorry this happened to you. :/


It’s okay we understand :) Tbh I was the one who found those pics on Facebook. At first I thought they were fanart until a friend of mine told me they were actually leaks pictures. I apologized and when I found those pictures again, I told my friend and that when she told you. I’ll make sure there aren’t any more leaks. Also look at this. I figure it can help you <a href="https://www.netflixanimation.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.netflixanimation.com/</a>


No worries and good luck!

Savage Shark

It's all good. Take your time to do what you need to do. We've all had our share of busy days. Sad that the patreon leak is still ongoing. Hopefully it gets resolved. Have you considered a discord channel for patreon only? Maybe you could use it too share links to mega upload for some of the content?


No worries 😁 keep up the good work viv! And take your time with everything and you'll be good


Years of evidence (dating to before Patreon existed) suggests that the wishes of others simply don’t enter into the equation for them. Some people are just wired like that.


It's all good!