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Hey Guys, so I'm still working on the sketch requests and I know I am way behind with them -so I just wanted to appologize for that and thank you endlessly for the patience! I wanted to ask you guys if there is any other kind of content I can try to do for you if I can't manage sketches! I want to make sure there is SOMETHING I can ensure each month that you feel is worth your while! I can try to show you direct deleted things or animatics, but honestly just throw some suggestions at me and I'll see what I can manage! <333



Well, I can give some ideas. You can try to do a poll/vote and ask us what we like to see in the future. You can share with us while you’re recording yourself creating a new piece/doing animation also you can do commentary while working the series. I don't know if you do drawing/animation tutorials, but I'll leave that to you. How about digital download along PSD/Sai Files. Drawing Hazbin Character along with there OC or just their OC. How about a mystery bonus content? (shhh… it's a surprise), blooper reel, early access video (you post a link here at youtube and make sure post unlisted and we can watch it... I don't know one day early access before launch at public. Exclusive patreon-only merchs that only patreon supporters can buy, If possible a big discount code. This seems off topic, but how about play together a private game online just for fun. I hope these suggestions are helpful for you.