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This month I lost nearly 1,000 in pledges last minute, this is getting FAR too out of hand and incredibly disheartening. I really hope something changes soon and I'm able to charge upfront somehow.

I'm sorry to complain about this so much, but honestly the money really helps fund the projects I'm doing. Once again, can't thank everyone who actually stuck around enough- I'll post everything for August on the 5th!

Thanks guys <3



It just sucks that people would do that you, I hope you manage with the more honest pledges and people that support you.


Man, I'm really sorry to hear that. But know this, I ain't pulling my pledge! I'm standing by ya! :)


Wow. 1000?! That's insane! I'm sorry that's happening. :( As a creator myself, I can only imagine that punch to the gut.


That have to be hard, maybe you can write to patron support and ask for that function in the future?


I usually just lurk but uhm... If it helps for anything this pledge ain't going nowhere


Holy shit, $1,000?!? I wish I could donate more right now. 1 is all I can do for now.


Is the call also going to be on the 5th?


Omfg 1000!!! How can people just be so disrespectful and do something like that! It must be so frustrating to deal with that, something has to be done to end all of this nonsense once and for all!


Wow, talk about people taking advantage of the system and not even caring about their creators :/


Its an ongoing problem happening to a lot of the artists I pledge to as well, I hope they fix that because its not cool. Just know I'm here supporting you as long as I can. Love your work and can't wait to see more


I just lowered mine due to college funds


It is really is sickening that people would abuse the system like that. The whole point of patreon is to support people and projects because you feel that it's worth supporting. But I guess they don't get that.


im so sorry to her that well if i coald i wholde pay more then just $5 but im strugling with money my self and if i coald i wholde pay you $500


You have every right to complain. That is some serious nonsense. I just wish i could pledge more than what i do. You deserve it for sure.

Flare Friday

Even though I just joined I'd heard about this problem, but now SEEING that number drop from $3000-something to $2000-something is really heart wrenching. You work way too hard and have too much creativity and motivation for this stunt to keep getting pulled on you. I hope a solution arises soon!


That much?! Jesus, that is insane! No wonder you're feeling down. I hope Patreon does something about this, create a different system, or a way to avoid such situations. Hang in there in the meantime! We are all here for you!


I think you can block people on Patreon, you could keep track of people who do that and block them maybe ? So at least they won't view your stuff for free

Benjamin Varner

I can't find words to describe how sickening this is. Those kind of people don't deserve to see the art you make! &gt;:( I'm really sorry this is still such an issue for you. I hope that things can get better from here on out. Know that pledge ain't goin nowhere :)

Sleonesia Lidell

Cant you report those that pull the pledges? I doubt them pulling so many times cant be legal


you might wanna see if you have access to this <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-up-front-How-do-I-get-it-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-up-front-How-do-I-get-it-</a>


Patreon needs to some how make a function that after pledging, the pledger is still going pay the pledge even after pulling out the last minute. If I was in charge of Patreon, I would make that happen.


Its disgusting this happens, is there nothing Patreon can do?


Goodness, that really is bad. I regret I can only contribute $5 this month when I wish I could give a hundred times more, but these people that pull their pledges entirely need to be stopped.


this stuff realy toys with my heart and feelings its sad pepole do this stuff Vivziepop i hope we can help to get that money back i will keep suporting you even after death and i wholde plege $50 but im strugling with money but if i coald i wholde

Michael Laws

I really hope they fix this problem

D. Stuart

Yeah, you need the charge up front model, for sure. That's just dirty. Maybe we patrons can get on Patreon's case to get you into the beta program. Best of luck! Stubat


That's is MEGA lame!