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So, The Hazbin Pilot is entering it's final scripting stages, final clean ups and plans. I Can't TELL you guys how excited I am for it. Once it starts production you guys will be getting all the sneak peeks and wips of the journey! It's likely going to take a year to complete-MAYBE longer as it's likely going to be a full 22 minute first episode! <3

INCLUDING: Musical numbers!!

There is going to be an original song composed by one of my favorite songwriters from online, who you guys DEFINITLY will know when I can officially say who <3

I'm in the middle of receiving auditions atm, but once it's cast you guys will be privy to that as well!

I don't want to over hype it, but I genuinely think this pilot is going to be something special!!

Thank you for being understanding, I'm down to a month before I move and I'm starting to get nervous. I'm trying to spend every moment I can with family, and tying loose ends before the move, so apologies for lack of streams, I promise I'll be back on track after I move in!

I'm so stoked for the future you guys! 



When will you have openings for voice acters?




aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is so amazing. ^^ good luck vivz.


No worries! We're all happy to hear things are moving forward ;D

Whiffy Plush

So nice to hear that everythings going well so far. Best of luck on the move!


I am so BEYOND excited and I really want to know the songwriter. I would have loved to audition for some of the characters but I don't have an HD mic and I think I'd totally be a bad choice for most of the male roles


Congratulations! Can't wait to see it all come together!


home sweet home. cool. let s know when it's out &amp; where to watch it. Ciao!


I'm so hype for it, congrats on that !!! :D


Keep calm and do what you can


Keep calm and carry on!


Congratulations im so excitedddddddf

Michael Laws

Beyond stoked woot!


Cannot wait to see it!!! Been hyped for months


Cannot wait to see it!!! By hyped for months


Glad to see the pilot is going along smoothly. I'm eager to see it.

