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So you don't think I'm just skimpin' on ya, I'm gonna start posting the final stuff for each month the first week of the following month! Just to not reward the people who ditch without paying, since payment starts at the end of the month, so remember!- don't pull your pledges until the first week of the next month! <333 goes for the patron call which will be Thursday sometime around 8pm est!



I understand


Screwed up that pepole would pull pledges.


It's nuts :c I lose hundreds worth of pledges at once, which is really unfair that they do it the very last second.


That's a good way to do it. I can't believe some people drop their pledges so they can get the stuff without paying


My sympathies, I wish you good luck in the future and have no plans to drop my pledge.


Patreon should have a system where you can block people that do that. It's so messed up


Those people should be ashamed of themselves unless they really had to for whatever reason :c


So that means that on the first week (7 days) of the new month, it's when your doing the rewards? Alright, cool. So when are you doing the live chat ($10) and what time? I have so many questions to ask you.


Whens your next Live Art Stream.


Saw this in notifications. No sweat take your time..


You're thinking smart. We understand. And you shouldn't worry about it


I plan to never drop my pledge until I got to college this August. Because that's when I won't be able to afford anything anymore


Sad that people are like that. I'm not contributing much, but you'll keep getting it until there's a catastrophe. Vivienne, if you ever run short of projects (haha) I have an original song recorded that you might like to animate and I'd let you use it royalty-free. I'd be happy to send it to you any time; email me. It's about aliens poking fun at us in our own musical styles.

Whiffy Plush

Sounds reasonable. It's disgusting what people will do. Don't worry. Us true supporters won't ditch you (unless some financial issue pops that stops us)!

Whiffy Plush

Even if I can't give much, I'm not screwing you over like those monsters.


I can only give $10 because I'm in college but I found your art and fell in love with it. I try to buy the posters I like if I can afford them and I want to keep supporting you. I'll do so until I no longer have money!!!