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Hey guys! I plan on making an update video soon but until then you guys will get the info early! Lemme start with some bad news-

Bad news is, for the past year I have been working with a production company, I sunk a lot of money into it because they kept making promises I had faith would be kept. Now I am hopeful that maybe things will have a happy ending, both sides want to end things positively but the fact of the matter is they never managed to make good on any of the things that were promised to me for an entire year, and they had been hyping up and promising the securing of funding for a Timber pilot, the amount of money I gave to them could have easily funded a pilot on my own, so I am hoping they manage to get me that money back, or things could get messy :( I am going to be working extra hard to earn that money back, but until then I am sorry to say the Timber pilot has to be shelved. I am so sorry for this, trust me nobody is more heartbroken about it then me.

I'm really hoping things end happily, I'm not going to go into detail about the situation unless they stop giving me reason to be respectful and positive.

Again though, I'm so sorry, trust me, I've spent some time crying about the situation.


I am moving to LA in July, and once there I will be getting to work full throttle on both the Hazbin Pilot and the kickstarter campaign for the music short film "Classic" which I will be sharing assets with you guys soon! I'm genuinely stoked to be starting these projects, Classic will be needing a full kickstarter to fund as it's such a hefty professional project, but Hazbin will be out of my own pocket!

Between those projects I will be doing tons of art and prints, new merch like shirts and other things-AND I might try to do some comics now and then! Basically I will be working full time on everything, and saving up all my extra money to fund more animated shorts and projects so they can be completed sooner, and you guys as usual will be seeing TONS of the work as it goes along every step of the way! 

Thank you so much for pledging, and heres to the future! <333



Good luck viv!


I will miss the timber pilot, but I'm looking forward to your hazbin hotel pilot, welcome to California, Los Angeles vivienne


im sorry to hear that vivz. also OH MY GOD HERE COMES HAZBIN. (i know it might take a while to make it, just excited to hear some news about it. lol ^^ )


I'm so sorry that happened :c That's so sad; I hope the future makes up for it. *hugs* But I'm glad you're staying positive :3 Sounds like the next while will be exciting!! Best of luck!! &lt;3


Oh am so sorry vivz. Good luck and I hope the things get better son ;)


It's to bad things didn't pan out with timber. I can't imagine how upsetting this is for you. But it's good that you continue on and won't let the upset stop you from your future projects! I wish you the best of luck vivz!


if it taught me anything, it's that I should always trust myself, I can and have accomplished more on my own! &lt;3 I just want my money back, but hopefully I will get it, and use it to fund timber!


Well if they didn't make good on the promises they made, than I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to get it back. I hope that goes well for you =) Congrats on moving to L.A by the way! Happy for you!


Hope you get your money back or at least compensated will be looking forward to your other works i will see if i can support your kickstarter.


Sorry to hear about your Timber pilot, I too would feel upset if that happened to me. But I'm glad you are moving forward with your Hazbin and Kickstarter projects. I will gladly place a donation to make your Kickstarter campaign a success. We're all here to support you in anyway so keep up the great work.


I am so sorry about that company, I truly hope things improve for you and wish you good luck in the future.


Geez sorry to hear. But don't worry! Really hope things turn out well for you! :D


Those assholes really hope everything works out for you in the end


If your money is not returned... one of your followers has a lawyer ready! Dont you worry!


Here is some more good news to cheer you up! You reached half a million subs on YouTube!!! :D


saw this in email .Sorry to hear that. It's common sense to do some investigating on a certain resource you plan to invest . "Blinded by expectations. Without legitimacy, expectations are mere fantasies." I know you may not consider t, but if you really wanna, you can ask any1 for help on hitRECord.com anytime. I'm sure the animation community can help you in some way. Also be sure to check your email. I'll send something to compensate as much as I can give, when I have time. 'cause my Finals are this week &amp; I'm really busy. Just don't make hasty investments next time, alright? get some info before you're sure..


I'm so sorry about Timber. I wish you the best on getting your money back because wow that is.. some bad stuff... As for the good news congrats! You actually met up with my friend Amber (Krooked-Glasses) while in LA a bit ago. Maybe some day I'll get to meet'cha. uvu That'd be pretty cool.

Michael Laws

What was the ballpark of funds lost for timber?