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I've just released a new profile for WoW Cataclysm Classic for the current pre-patch and the upcoming expansion, available to all "TSM Profiles" tier patrons and above!

The profile is a continuation of the previous WotLK profile, but now also includes groups and operations for all of the new Cataclysm items, as well as some other improvements. You can check out the full changelog below.

As usual, to get the new profile you just need to send a message with your TradeSkillMaster.lua file that is located in your World of Warcraft/_classic_/WTF/Account/<YourAccount>/SavedVariables/ folder to the BilisOnyxia Bot on my discord server. The bot will add the new profiles to your file and return the file to you.

Keep in mind that while this will not override any of your existing profiles, it will override all of the "bilis" custom sources and reset them to their default values. If you have made changes to these custom sources, you might want to note them down or take a screenshot, so that you can easily reapply those changes after the update.

Changelog BilisClassicCata(v1.0):
• Added groups for all new Cataclysm items.
• Added a bunch of missing items from earlier expansions.
• Changed the bilisitemvalue custom source to adjust to falling prices more quickly if both the realm specific and the regional pricing trend is downwards. This should help quite a bit when items have been very rapidly falling in price and the DBMarket pricing data hasn't quite caught up yet, but there is a clear downwards trend.
• Changed the way the minimum price and "Posting disabled" feature are handled. Your minimum price will now always be high enough for the profile to not disable posting, unless this would cause your minimum price to get unreasonably high. This means you will only get "Posting disabled" for all of the operations if an item really is not worth selling on the AH.
• Increased the default value of the bilisdumpthresholdpct custom source from 170 to 300 to account for the potentially increased minimum prices, to prevent the profile from selling items at a loss too quickly.

Changelog BilisClassicCata(v1.0.1):
• Moved some incorrectly grouped items (glyphs and cut gems) into their appropriate groups.
• Slightly adjusted the bilisexpecteddeposits and bilisitemvalue custom sources.



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