May rewards description (Patreon)
May rewards will be sent around the June 14th because April rewards was send at 15 days before.
Although, I finished animation but I need more times to complete 2 comics now.
I'm sorry about gradually increase the date for sending rewards since I started Patreon in 2.5 years.
Maybe I will stop a month when I can't delay anymore also take a rest.
And don't worry I will also stop automatic pledge for a month when I start to rest.
I'm really appreciate for who always care about me.
※May rewards only for who support me in May. If you support in June that you will get June rewards in July.
Here is the list of rewards what you will get if you pledge this month.
$1 class will get 2 illustrations each of characters.
$3~8 class will get all of illustrations including difference.
$10 Class will get animations and 2 difference each of characters.(including $3~8 rewards)
$15 Class will get animations and all difference each of characters.(including $10 rewards)
$20 Class will get draft and line draft PNG file.(including $15 rewards)
$1 階段將獲得該每個角色2張原版插圖.
$3~8 階段將獲得所有角色插圖包刮差分。
$10 階段將獲得動畫回饋包刮2個差分動畫,並繼承所有前面階段的回饋
$15 階段將獲得每個角色的所有差分的動畫回饋,並繼承所有前面階段的回饋
$20 階段將獲得每個角色動畫的原始草稿和線稿圖案(PNG檔案),並繼承所有前面階段的回饋