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"I thought that was never going to end," Daphne said with a pained expression to my left as we left the classroom, "I thought my father was joking when he told me about Professor Binns."

"I thought it was going to actually be beneficial learning history from a ghost," Tracey sighed from my right side, "But he just droned on and on, he didn't even stop to take questions."

I sighed and nodded my head in agreement, "Well at least it can only get better from here. Honestly, I don't think I could handle another two classes like our last two."

Daphne snorted, "Anything would be better than what we just had to listen to, I don't know what was worse, Binn's droning or Quirrell's impossible to understand stuttering."

"I'm not even sure my notes are even legible from Quirrell's class," Tracey said with annoyance, "I couldn't understand him half the time to take notes."

"Oh please don't remind me," I said as I rolled my eyes, "how that man can possibly teach defence against the dark arts, I don't know, he practically jumped out of his robes when that Hufflepuff girl dropped her book."

Daphne smirked, "Well that was kind of funny, but you're right. I don't understand how they can expect someone like that to teach that kind of subject, or any kind, to be frank, it looks like we'll have to do a lot of self-study to get good grades if these two classes are anything to go by on what to expect from the others."

I nodded again, I had thought that I already knew what to expect from Quirrell, but the man's stutter was much worse than I thought....

....And his whole acting really was over the top and it just added more proof to my reasoning that there is no way that Dumbledore wasn't aware of the man's possession, no one is that pathetic.

"I say we start up a small study group in our free time slots," I offered, "if things are really going to be as bad as this we need all the extra studying we can get if we even want any hope of passing the end of year exams."

"Agreed, but I say we give it a week," Daphne stated, "It will let us judge which classes we'll need to study for in our free time, right now we have two but there could be more."

Tracey groaned, "Let's hope not too many more, otherwise we're not going to have any free time to relax, a girl can only take so much."

I sighed, "Well if what I've heard about Professor Snape is true, then we can add potions to the list as well," I offered.

"According to my cousin, who graduated last year, the potions master despises all other houses apart from his own, has a hatred for Gryffindors...."

"....And on top of being a bigoted teacher he has next to impossible standards, apparently he didn't accept anyone below an outstanding in their potion OWLs for his NEWT classes."

Tracey groaned again, "Crap, potions is my worst subject, I'm screwed."

Daphne shook her head, "Looks like our free time is going to really be pressed then if we'll have to study those three subject on the side if we want to make the grade."

"Let's hope none of our other lessons turn out the same. Maybe we can get a second year to make a study plan for what exactly we need to be studying for our exams, it would save us some time."

I nodded, "That's a good idea, I have another one that might work as well but I'm not sure," I explained, "I'll need to look some things up back in my room, I'll let you know later if my idea could work."

"Oh?" Daphne smirked, "was that what you were writing out while Binns was droning on, I saw you do up at least three sheets of parchment, want to fill us in?" She asked with clear curiosity in her tone.

I shook my head, "No that was something different, just clearing my head of ideas for different things, it helps me to put things down on paper to see things."

"I figured I might as well do something as we're not going to be learning anything listening to his droning."

Tracey giggled, "True, so what were you clearing your head of then, anything fun?" She asked with a tone equally as curious as to the blond on my left.

I smirked and shook my head, "No, just random thoughts for the future, nothing you need be concerned about, it's just a habit of mine." I said casually.

"I see, anything to do with Lord Malfoy's comments in the prophet this morning, those were some heavy accusations he put against you, are you going to do anything in response?" Daphne asked.

I nodded, "I will be later, I need to contact my law wizard to do so. What would you suggest my response be?" I asked as I glanced back to Daphne only to see the shocked look on her face.

"You're asking my opinion?" Daphne asked me, clearly shocked by my question before she cooled her expression.


I shrugged as we continued to walk, "Well for one I haven't been in the wizarding world that long so I'm not entirely sure on what the appropriate response would be to something like that."

"I'd usually have my grandparents portraits to ask but since I can't at the moment I was hoping you'd have a suggestion."

"I thought that my earlier statement would be enough of a rebuttal but I'm not sure, I seem to recall my grandmother stating something about answering insults but I'm not overly sure about the best way to go about it."


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