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The illusion of the boats moving on their own had many of the first years in awe as they looked around in shock.

You could tell the muggle-borns from the purebloods who weren't doing so as they were pulled out of the cove the dock was in and out onto the open water of the Black Lake and that was when they saw it.

Hogwarts castle was certainly a lot bigger than Magnus had imagined as it stood looming out over the lake, its torches burning bright as beacons for all to see.

"Wow, it's bigger than I thought," Magnus voiced unintentionally in his awe as the three girls around him nodded in agreement as they continued on their lap of the castle.

It wasn't long before they beached the boats on the shore just thirty or so yards from the large castle doors and the students started to climb out of the boats and followed Hagrid to the huge doors of the castle which he easily opened.

"Alright in ya's go this way now." Hagrid said as he stepped to the side and all the first years started into the castle as they looked around with awe as they ascended the steps ahead of them and continued up them until they came to the top where Professor McGonagall was waiting for them.

Magnus kept to the side of the large group of first years as McGonagall looked them over and glanced at him for a second longer than he felt she should have and that was when he realized and started to mentally berate himself, his hair....

....it was still the length that he had changed it too with his Metamorphmagus skills.

She had seen him less than a month ago with much shorter hair, of course, she was going to find it strange.

After looking over the students McGonagall began her speech with Magnus tuned out of somewhat while he knew that the houses were a key part of Hogwarts and its history the idea of sorting children at a young impressionable age had always been something that made him pause for thought on whether this was a good idea or not.

While on one hand, he liked the idea of the houses as they promoted individual ideals, there was also what they had become, labels for each student that would stick with them for the rest of their lives, not something you should force on children.

But once again Magnus was pulled from his thoughts with a cry or "Trevor!", and his head turned to see the rather clumsy form of the boy he knew to be Neville Longbottom make his way through the crowd to collect the large toad on the steps just before Professor McGonagall's feet.

Magnus suppressed a smirk and rolled his eyes, he had always wondered when he watched this scene how Trevor had made it all the way to Hogwarts.

If he had been lost on the train, and it was only after watching the movies multiple times did the answer finally hit him like a slap in the face, Hogwarts house-elves.

Magnus watched as Neville muttered his apology and slipped back into the crowd of students as McGonagall righted herself after being interrupted.

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." She finished before turning and leaving the first years standing on the stairs.

Magnus smirked knowing what was coming next, and sure enough, right on cue, the pompous voice of Draco rang out.

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

Magnus leaning against the railing listens as the conversation continues as he watched from the back as he hears the other first years start muttering in excitement.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle," Draco said as he introduced the two bookends behind him, "and I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy."

At that, a snort was heard and Magnus rolled his eyes knowing it was Ron's snort to keep from openly laughing and then he heard Malfoy's retort.

"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley." Draco spoke with an obvious glare at the redhead before looking back to Harry.

"We'll soon find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." He stated as he held out his hand.

It was then Magnus's turn to openly snort getting eyes turned to him, "Oh please Draco. Stop embarrassing yourself. I know you're blond but surely you have a bit more tact than that."

Magnus spoke getting snickers from the other first years and a punch in the shoulder from a glaring Daphne, but Magnus continued un-phased.

"I mean who in their right mind would want to be friends with you, hell your family name is a warning to all, right bad faith?" he said as he cast a glance towards the blond who was practically red with rage.

Magnus rolled his eyes and stood up from leaning against the railing and took the last few steps up the stairs until he was at the front and turned his glare on Malfoy who had the wisdom to back off remembering their confrontation on the train.

With Malfoy subdued Magnus then turned his attention to the twin gazes of Harry and Ron who were looking at him with interest. Magnus smirked and held out his hand.

"A pleasure to meet you Harry Potter, my name is Magnus Black." He said with a smile as he took in the response to his name from the other first years.

Whispers broke out again from all the first years just as much as when Harry had been identified, Ron who was beside Harry looked at Magnus his eyes wide obviously realising the connection.

Harry didn't seem to mind at all and reached out his hand taking Magnus's and shaking it.

"Nice to meet you too," Harry said returning the smile.


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