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Gerwin .W

These are amazing, Im still very into the style and the coloring. The adaptation of real life curves and the difference of how flesh and fat tends to fall/droop with tention applied (to the skin) is commendable! Youre doing it very well and I love those kinds of details... its the one foot in both world (science/fiction) I have a side-question tho, I see some stunning content on your twitter page. For example the pink bunny girl which was posted today or yesterday? I was wondering why that content is not posted here on patreon? Personally id like all your released content to be made available on patreon, seeing its a subscription based platform and id be sure i dont miss anything youd create ^^, what are your thoughts on that? Final note tho, not sure if it benefits you but I like content like this more than the more nude content you posted earlier. Still great, dont get me wrong. Just an opinion ^^ Keep on delivering these quality pieces, you're doing great 👍🏻 😁 kind regards and hope you're doing well 👋🏻


Can they come arrest me ? 😍

gino pino

First of all, thank you as always for the nice comment! As for your question, the main focus of this page was to provide extra content not available elsewhere but I have nothing against moving all the rest of my work here too if it makes it easier for you to access it ( I admit twitter Is kinda bad for that ). I'll add that to the todo list ;) Finally, sfw is what I'm still more experienced doing, but nsfw is what most people come here for, so for now I'm happy with the current format. Tho,the poll from last week helped me a lot to get a better idea of what you guys want and I'll use that info to balance things better. It goes against my interests, but you can always consider downgrading your tier to sfw only if the rest is not of your interest ^^