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I wanted to make a short post about my posting schedule. And other stuff related to chapters.

First of all, thank you.

Okay, so. For every two chapters/parts that are posted on Patreon, I upload a chapter/part to the blog.

I used to have a schedule for public posting, but it was taxing for me, idk why.

Now, about the chapters that are divided. Chapters that are 12 pages long or more I just split them in half. If a chapter is 11 or less pages I translate it as a whole. That's why you'll notice there are some chapters divided and some whole.

Since I know that most of my current patreons are here for Moto Sekai Ichi, and that I've already reached the patreon goal, Moto Sekai Ichi will have daily updates on patreon. 

Worry not if you see me upload a chapter of another novel, I'll still keep a chapter a day for Moto Sekai Ichi.

Also, since I want to do something special for my upcoming birthday :) I might translate more than 1 or 2 chapters a day these days, and stock them for that day.

Anyway, I really hope that you feel being a patron of mine is worth it, and it is thanks to you (especially you, Jimmy), that I can dedicate more time to translating.


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