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Hi guys!

Sorry for the lack of updates in patreon for these past days. 

As you might've noticed, I got a domain! yay! Well, It's something I've been wanting to do for some time now, since it looks better than to have a simple fafgsffd.wordpress domain.

Also, I've been having talks with a friend of mine, she's younger than me, but I got to know her since we both like anime and manga, and have many things in common.

Her name is Phany, and she's a rookie illustrator. She started not too long ago, but to be honest I really see her improving by leaps and bounds. She has a youtube channel and in some chatting, she told me that she would like to really grow her channel so I proposed something to her. That was to join me in my blog and post her illustrations there, so that maybe she can gather more followers. 

I also had her remade my avatar, to something more of my style and make a banner for the site (I obviously paid her for that). I wanted the images in the site to be more... me, idk, more original, not something that was copied and pasted from somewhere else.

Anyway, she has her own paypal already set on the site and after talking to her, I also decided to add one more tier in patreon and give a personalized avatar in that tier, and a share of the patreons that become of that tier.

"Why?" you might ask, "Aren't you in a difficult situation in regards to money too?". Well, yeah, but I know how discouraging it can be sometimes to try and do what you like and not getting enough attention for the amount of effort you put forth. And I know the amount of effort she places on her drawings, and how she sometimes becomes pretty depressed that nobody notices it. Therefore, as her senpai, I thought to give her a bit of motivation. Thats all there is to it.

Also, in regards to the site, the day I decided to buy the domain, which was on the third, I noticed a notification after I bought it.

I tried to find the screenshot from wordpress but I guess I didnt take it :(

So, yeah. It's been a year! And even without me knowing it was exactly a year, I bought the domain on that very same day and decided to do something special in conmemoration.

For this month, HSV will likely have a daily release. Unless something bad happens, like a couple days ago when my keyboard broke. Well... It didn't "break" per se, but the spacebar key stopped working alongside several other keys.

Anyway, that means I most likely won't post HSV in patreon for this month, since there wont be any advanced chapters. BUT.

There is something special I wanted to do for the end of the month on the site. That is, a new novel. That new novel will have a batch release on the 30th of this month, but patreon will have it posted it in advance.

I know I havent been as consistent as I'd like to be, but the latter part of last month I couldnt translate because I was setting stuff for this month, including the talks with Phany and searching for another novel. I read several novels, not translated yet, and after almost giving up on a decent one, I found "The magician of the tower" yesterday night in the pick up request section of novel updates and decided to give it a read.

The grammar on that novel is better than HSV, and It feels easier to translate, at least in the earlier chapters. That novel has the name of a book by Karl Marx,  Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie, in its title, so I suppose it will be a bit technical at some parts.

Here's the desciption for that novel:

 The Guingard Tower; in a world dominated by magic, a child arrives at the doors of this magic academy. His name is Rin. He is a child slave without money who dreams of a wealthy life. He has neither power nor talent. Besides that, a strong discrimination depending on the status awaits him in the academy to which he has enrolled.
Investment techniques, a small amount of money and time, connection with aristocrats... Rin uses all kinds of wits and runs up the stairs to be a great magician. 

Anyway, that's pretty much it. Alex, Vinny, and Jimmy, I would love to give you an avatar. I already paid for it to Phany, so, if you have any suggestion on how you want it, or a picture to base it upon, let me know :) you can mail it to me.

Also, I think I forgot, but Phany joined on the premise of drawing fanart from novels. So, If you have any suggestions, let her know on the blog, she reads the comments.

And as always, your support means the world to me, you are the best!


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