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I'm back from my week vacation and ready to draw once again! 😚

I actually got back home yesterday, but it was such a long day I needed extra time to recover 😩

My week away was a bit exhausting but really fun! When I got back home ready to rest though, my family and I found our place a bit flooded, and ended up spending all night getting rid of the water and cleaning around. Luckily, it seems nothing got too damaged, so that's good >.>

Anyway... 😅
I'll be starting the poll for this month pretty soon, as well as posting some stuff I previously had in the works xD



Welcome back ahaha! Well, its my turn today to go on a week-long vacation to Thailand, still, I'll keep on following your stuff! ♡


Welcome back my friend! Hope you had a good time during your vacation! also no need to apologize. Vacations can be fun, but exhausting at the same time. Mainly when you're bringing stuff there and back. I know this from experience. LOL But glad to see that you're back and cannot wait to see some of the new stuff you're going to be making for us! Also at some point, I would like to work on a commission with you whenever you have any slots open. But just let me know either on here or on Discord. 😁👍