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Hey guys I just wanted to tell you in advance, starting this month there will be a change of format in regards the content for Poll winners.

For almost a year an a half now, the format has been as followed:

1st Place - 1 Minicomic

2nd Place - 3 drawings

3rd Place - 1 drawing

With some inconsistencies in between, as I have taken the liberty to add more content here and there, as well as including animated versions.

Due to this, in order to make things more consistent, and because I've been really enjoying the latest side projects I've worked on, I decided to change the format as followed:

1st Place - 3 Pages

2nd Place - 2 Pages

3rd Place - 1 Page

What this means basically, is that I plan on making minicomics for each of the winners, but with a more streamlined style and a practical amount of images per page (1-3). This will guarantee about the same amount of content I've been putting into each winner until now, but it will also allow me to rebalance some things so 3rd place doesn't get too little, and 2nd doesn't get too much.

Alt versions and animations will continue to show up of course, and I intend to continue giving my 100% into each piece. Hopefully this new format will be seen as a step forward in the right direction.
For that, I'll love for you to be the judges, and give me your feedback after all poll winners for this month are done.

Once again, thank you so much for the support! ^-^/



Wow that looks serious work 0_0 Be sure to take your time and do your best in them HP. 🫂 Looking forward fo what you make with this new rule. ^-^