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Hey friends,

I wanted to let y'all know that I am closing in on finishing this clip! Right now, everything in the clip is there, I just have to hone in on making sure there are no glaring mistakes, along with messing around with different sound levels and such as I run test exports, etc. (this has gotten a bit harder since my hearing issues began, as I'm sure you can imagine). This is actually a really important part of the process, because I always tend to notice little mistakes with a fresh set of eyes and ears as I return to it each day. And yet I know that nothing will ever be perfect under these shooting circumstances (if ever lol). There are always lots of things I wish I could have done differently while shooting, but still, I try to make do with the footage that is there.

Overall, I think this one came out pretty cool! It actually reminds me of some of my earlier work with Jennifer Rose before I had a Patreon, because the clip is rather short and straightforward, with a good amount of energy and pacing. However, it does contain some new elements that I've never included in a clip before (with the people winding up inside of a sock at the end). I'm sure I will post my full reflections once it's all finished for good, but for now, I'm just hopeful that people will like it!



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