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Hey friends, I originally meant to send you all this VR clip today, but something strange has happened with the hearing in my left ear these past few days, making it virtually impossible to finish mixing the sound for the clip. I thought about just putting it out as is, but in all honesty, I think it will be 10x better if I just wait until my ear is feeling better (hoping to send it over to everyone next week, fingers crossed). The clip itself is one of the longest VR clips I've ever done, so that's fun at least. The issue with my ear is something that flares up on occasion, although its frequency has increased this past summer (I'm not sure if it's allergy related or hearing related, but either way, I need to get it checked out asap). 

I am making a note of everyone who is subscribed this month so that even if you unsubscribe next month, I will still send you all this VR clip when it's done. 

Other than that, this month I got a little bit stuck on the Syra Wolf clip I've been posting about, so I decided to start working on the other Syra clip alongside the one with Cali. Originally, I was not excited about integrating the GoPro footage into the clip with Syra. However, over time I realized that the clip "needed something" vibe wise, and so I went back and started adding in the GoPro footage, and although the quality wasn't great, it added a lot of missing necessary depth. This caused me to have to go back and re-edit most of what I had already done. Although these clips aren't masterpieces, I am extremely grateful for everyone's patience and care because it helps me make these clips better versions of what they would have been otherwise, if I had rushed through the editing process. Re-evaluating them over time helps a ton, in terms of finding things I would have missed.

Beyond that, my depression sort of reached a tipping point this month, to the extent that a few of my close friends had a sort of depressive intervention for me, for lack of a better term. They offered to help me pay for therapy, so I am hoping to start getting back into that soon, and hopefully that will lead to better things in relation to this page as well. I'm at this weird point with this page where I make enough money that I feel obligated to post/produce content on a regular basis, but not enough that I can stop working elsewhere, so sometimes it can be a bit stressful to balance. 

Hope you're all doing well <3.




I hope everything works out for you! Health comes first, patiently waiting for this clip I know it will be worth the wait.


Honestly take your time your mental health comes first! I'll also wait patiently for the clip, hope you feel better.

Stew Drickson

The hearing issue could also be related to stress. Take care of yourself. We support you - get well soon!

godqueengiantess (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 22:22:29 Much appreciated lelouch &lt;3
2022-08-02 21:35:43 Much appreciated lelouch <3

Much appreciated lelouch <3

godqueengiantess (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 22:22:29 Thank you Stew! Made an appointment for Friday to get it checked out (fingers crossed!) &lt;3
2022-08-02 21:36:03 Thank you Stew! Made an appointment for Friday to get it checked out (fingers crossed!) <3

Thank you Stew! Made an appointment for Friday to get it checked out (fingers crossed!) <3