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Hi friends,

I really miss doing these sort of brainstorming posts, because I thought they provided an interesting insight not only into the process of making these clips themselves, but also so you could see how the models view and approach the fetish in their own unique ways.

Lauren Ashlyn has been a real pleasure to work with, and has surprised me throughout the course of our shoots in some very pleasant ways. In the past, she had only ever been engaged in more normative forms of this kind of work, so I was curious to see how she would adapt to the fetish world. However, her openness and willingness to shoot in the first place should have clued me into knowing that she would be able to handle the part. 

Reflecting back on the shoots, I think she really started coming into her own (in terms of grasping the power dynamics) when we were doing some smaller shoots that were only VR based. Here, we would talk about the arc of the clips beforehand, and we really had to improvise some things on the spot, and she would start considering things and saying things that would almost preemptively answer the questions I would have asked her (to be critical or to point out potential plot holes, for instance), but she was fully prepared for all of them. And then after getting the clips back and uploaded onto my computer (not knowing how they came out), I was impressed by how she did a lot of things that we never even discussed, completely of her own making, with good intuition too. With the VR clips especially, I think she brings an intuitive sort of intimacy to them (in part maybe because of the normative stuff she has done in the past), because I think she does a really good job of internalizing the connection with the viewer in recognizing them that I would imagine is not easy for everyone to do.

I've been notoriously bad with keeping tabs on my shoots with Lauren Ashlyn, because they have spanned so many different forms of communication beyond email (sometimes we came up with VR stuff on the spot, other times we began texting), but I still wanted to do her justice, rather than leaving her out of my brainstorming posts entirely! Whereas my last few brainstorm posts have been for each individual video, these ones are all at once. Moving forward, I'm going to be more mindful of keeping records of things as they come! 

LA: For the circus one, I would say both. I already have them but I’m also trying to recruit and keep more people. For the sci-fi one, I’d rather discover the portal than create it. And for the crystal scenario, I think it should be known that it possesses some type of power and that’s why they’re trying to seek it from me.

LA: I would say I keep the new group and the old group in separate cages, but I take care of them (rather than keeping them in poor conditions). To recruit them into my circus I manipulate them, destroy the old group and keep the new. It would be a warning for the new group that if they try to escape me there will be punishment.

LA: For the portal one, I would like to be selling them on the black market! Or what if I have a laser that can make them even smaller? 

LA: Or I think it would be cool if I go into the portal in order to find more people. For the crystal one, I think they’re trying to get it because of a legend or a myth they've heard about it/me.

GQ: Do you want the crystal to be large or small enough that they could steal it?

LA: Big enough that they would need multiple (a large group of) people to move it.

GQ: Sure. Do you want to discover them by accident or are you normally waiting to catch people coming, like a trap?

LA: Mmm, by accident.

GQ: Cool, so how do you want it to go? Are you annoyed, amused, uncaring, etc.?

LA: Definitely amused. I suppose I don’t really care how I view them, or how they view me, but I think that they’re there because they think they will get something out of it, whether it’s power for themselves or power over other tiny people like them.

LA: Or, I’m not sure if this is possible, but it would be cool if the crystal makes them smaller. Maybe they think that by stealing it, it will make them bigger, but it does the opposite, and that’s why I lure more of them to me, to shrink them down further.

GQ: Do you plan on killing them or keeping them?

LA: Collecting them. I think I should also do that with the portal one. I’ll discover them nearby and keep them as pets, maybe in a little makeshift town haha.

LA: For the crystal one, I think I should add them to the ones I already have, but they are distant pets like fish to me, but I only take them out and use them when I need to.

GQ: Sure, what do you mean by use them?

LA: To do chores and the things that I don’t want to do, like clean the floors for me, wash the dishes, mop, dust, etc. Then I check on them occasionally.

GQ: What do you want to do if the people try to escape from you while you leave before checking on them?

LA: Catch them and make them start over. Maybe they’re cleaning up a spill, and instead of killing them in this one, I make it more about them not being able to escape. The ones that don’t try to escape, I reward, they get to stay out with me and I give them extra food, the ones that try to run away, get put back into their cage. Maybe I even put them in something smaller and lock them in a closet.

 LA: I like those, 3, 4, and 9! The fake foot pics one is good haha. They're all fine concepts, I'm here for it!

LA: So for the last one I could be tricking the tiny people on the dating app by saying I want to have them over for a dinner date and end up eating them, maybe my motivation could be from accidentally eating a previous tiny bf and enjoying it?

LA: I could even be swiping on tiny people to gather them together and kinda pick through them. My favorites could get to be kept as pets and the others who didn't make the cut either get eaten or stepped on.

GQ: Are there any board games that stick out to you for the tiny bachelor party one? When you said play a game, I've been trying to think of some that could work for that haha. Mostly trying to think of ways we could extend the teasing in a non-lethal way.

LA: Hmm, I don't have any here so I'd have to get them from my parents'  house probably. Maybe twister? Lol.

LA: As far as for teasing goes, I would say I could also move my body/position it in a way that teases them. Like I could even tease them by pretending I’m going to step on them and then pull away.



Stew Drickson

She really does have the hang of the evil side of things. Can't wait for more with her, especially VR!