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Hey everyone,

So I finally found what I think is going to be the final music for everything. This one was sort of tricky to nail down vibe-wise. I went back and forth between a few different versions/song edits, which also meant I had to re-edit some portions of the video to make them fit with the different musical cues. I still have to do most of the sound edits and a few visual ones (like shakes, camera zooms/movements), but all-in-all, it's getting there. 

Every new video is a learning experience, and this one is no different. I'd like to think that I'm getting better, but each video presents its own set of unique challenges in terms of how I wish I had shot something, or how I am going to deal with any slight inconsistency errors, etc. This one has been difficult in particular because I feel like there are portions where I have too much good stuff that it's been hard to decide what to cut/include, alongside other sections where I only had one good shot/take. I've been trying to be patient with this video, because as I've watched and re-watched it, I've realized how much little details can make such an enormous difference. Whether it's taking out a cool shot that I was trying to jam in there for aesthetic purposes, but it actually takes away from the flow/motion of the video; or conversely, allowing a good acting take to guide a scene, but then realizing it was not adding any dramatic build-up to a tiny person's demise, I think it's going to be worth the extra time I've taken on this one :D

Right now this video looks like it's clocking in at around 11 minutes.

If you've managed to read this far, I have some good news! Since I've been able to work again in person, I just purchased (in a payment plan lmao) the Laowa probe lens! So hopefully this can take some of the things I've been trying to do in terms of displaying scale to another level! Fingers crossed lol.




Super cool-looking clip, and that kind of lens has exciting potential.


I've seen some clips shot with that lens on youtube - it has crazy potential! Very excited to see what you can do with it!