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Hi everyone, sending out email links as I type this up! 

Below is the clip description and underneath are the usual reflections!

Lauren Ashlyn in "Step On Them"

It is a quiet evening for Lauren Ashlyn as she spends some time writing in her journal, before receiving a strange text from one of her friends. They want to know if she would ever consider stepping on tiny people for money. Initially shocked, she pauses for a moment before her curiosity gets the best of her, seeing where the conversation might go. The two go back and forth for a little while until the terms are agreed upon, as Lauren gets up to see if there are any tiny people scurrying about in her room. 

Sure enough, she finds a small group of three stragglers hiding in one of her shoes, scooping them up and letting her friend know she has found some tiny people. Lauren doesn't hesitate, disposing of them swiftly and methodically on film for her friend's liking. After she is finished, she goes back to writing in her journal.

Video contains: Booms/Shakes, Tiny Screams, POV, Barefoot Crush, Socks, Brief In-Shoe


The positives: 

- Really stoked to finally have some more representation of Lauren Ashlyn outside of the b-sides, because I think she can make for a very brutal giantess.

- While it might not be everyone's cup of tea, I much prefer the types of clips that build-up to more impactful moments, rather than trying to sprinkle in a ton of action throughout, and I think this one is all about giving the last few crushes meaning.

- I am really happy with the POV steps that pan-upward, where Lauren appears extremely serious and down-to-business, while also picking up the slightest hint of a smirk emerging. 

- This one feels pretty believable to me.


- In terms of things like text animations and small details, there are certain things within videos that I can't obsess over getting perfect or else I would never release these videos haha.

- I definitely wish this clip had a little bit more action/tension in between the crushes, but I also respected the way Lauren wanted to portray it, which wasn't overdone in terms of teasing, but very matter-of-fact.

- We purposefully made some of the iPhone camera shots look kinda bad because I wanted it to be reflective of the DIY aspect of how a lot of folks come to sell their own content when it's their first time, but when you do that sorta thing, it might not always translate LOL.

- There are certain things in terms of audio that I haven't quite mastered yet, and I haven't been able to find good explainers that would cater to the way macro clips are tailored lmao, since most folks aren't dealing with such imbalances between low-end and normal audio all the time.


Step On Them

For Patrons: https://patreon.com/godqueengiantess



This was freaking awesome!! I couldn’t be happier to be your Patreon bc you always put out quality work. My preference is foot related scenarios and this was a great idea! Loved Lauren Ashley! She has a powerful/beautiful look to her and it would be an honor to be her tiny foot slave. Thanks so much for both of your hard work on this!


Thank you, that's all very nice of you to say! I think at the very least I try to put in as much effort and care as I can within my financial means lol. I'm glad you vibed with the clip though! Lauren definitely has a fierce look to her, for sure haha.


Man, you really do a great job with atmosphere. Had the feeling I was watching a horror movie, wondering what would happen next, and almost forgot it was a giantess video. Great job!

Michael Hanson

I absolutely loved the unique audio SFX near the beginning of her knees/full body weight hitting the ground vs. the normal footstep SFX! Unique audio effects is something that is sorely missing from a lot of GTS content out there, and I hope you plan on expanding that going forward. It adds so much more to the size aspect of things then just the same boom sound over and over again.


Oh wow, that's a neat observation! I've definitely been trying to be more mindful about sound as I've continued doing this, sometimes I try to make things barely noticeable, while other times I really lean in lol. For example, like you said about re-using sound fx, sometimes it the footsteps are close enough I will raise or lower the pitch slightly, and make one slightly louder or softer, just so that it feels less monotonous. Glad you appreciated the body weight noise!

Anxious Millennial Cowboy

Another great video, my dude! I 100% agree with your positive reflections on this project. The build up in story always makes the plot feel more coherent. You achieved a similar feel with The Tourists. What didn't you like about the texting animation? I'm just a mid level motion graphics artist, but it looked good to me.

Alex W

One of your best videos. The build-up was perfection, especially because of the psychological dimension that was occurring the entire time. Seeing the way Lauren so coldly calculated how much money she thought ending the lives of tiny people was worth added a whole new energy to the film. I think it worked so well because the lack of constant action meant you could focus on masterfully establishing the psychological dynamics and insignificance of the tiny people in the world of the film. Absolutely one of your best works!


Thank you! While I was editing it, it gave me the feel of both The Tourists and The Wrath of Jennifer Rose, which are two of my favorites, so I was hopeful that it would be on a similar level haha. And that's good to know! Sometimes I can be too critical of myself haha. I think if I wanted to get the wipes truly clean I was going to have to do way too much research that was going to be mostly inconsequential for the video lol, alongside making them feel more realistically spaced for texts (or adding the typing animations).


I'm glad it's one of your favorites! It's definitely one of mine as well. It's cool to see that the texts actually added real deeper meaning to the video, because I wanted to figure out a way to have the capacity to make more interesting dynamics for videos with models who don't feel super confident or comfortable to do a ton of dialogue, and I think it can be a cool workaround. Not to mention, it adds a level of technological coldness to the clips that I don't think has been explored deeply in gts content yet.