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Hey friends,

Wow, this one took a bit longer than expected. I thought I was going to be able to pump this one out pretty quickly, but I didn't realize how many sounds I was going to have to insert, nor just how long this clip is. However, I think it's fairly detailed, so I hope that pays off! I tried something a bit different with this one in terms of the stomping noises (I've done it in the past, but not to this degree of detail), where I  made sure to lower and raise the steps on an individual basis so that they are louder when she is near, and softer when she is farther away. I think it adds some nice dynamics to the clip, but boy did it take forever haha. 

As discussed previously, this clip is a bit different than the other VR clips I've done in the past, since Jennifer removed the agency of the viewer, and thus assumed their reactions/responses. Still, I hope y'all get something out of this one. There are some very nice moments embedded within imo. 

VR360 Jennifer Rose in "Disobedience"

This VR clip features Jennifer Rose breaking in her tiny new pet, you. Time blends together, as you grow unsure of just how much time has passed in between encounters with your new gigantic master. Initially sweet, Jennifer provides you with a place to sleep, as she goes about her day folding her laundry and getting dressed. Eventually, she tries to get you to sit down and obey her commands on camera, but you refuse. 

Growing impatient, Jennifer Rose puts you into a small cage in order to punish you, until you learn to obey her commands. She even threatens to replace you if you continue to refuse. Finally, after enough time has elapsed, you give into your new master and decide to obey her every command. The clip ends with Jennifer Rose theorizing some fun new ideas for taking care of her new pet.





Looks amazing, can't wait to watch!~!


I certainly don’t mind you investing more time to refine your work :) and indeed she walked a lot in this one but I think you’ve made the sound effect really well, they perfectly fit her movements and her position in the room. But in my opinion there is something that still can be better. First, a little detail: if Jennifer takes off the sock from her foot instead of picking a new one from the closet she’ll act much more like a giantess in front of her tiny and puny pets, I believe a lot of us will enjoy this little humiliation. And I think what makes the disobedience of the tinies different from this of untrained animals is that they can understand every word of their master, so it’s a matter of attitude, and when they disobeyed it’ll require more severe punishments. So it makes me personally feel strange and not so real, when Jennifer keep repeating the word “sit” and became so glad when the tiny finally oblige, as if he doesn’t understand English. But it’ll do the trick if she speaks French haha, like in Sorenzer0’s Je ne sais quoi, in which the French giantesses attempted to train a tiny only able to understand English, but always punish him for not knowing what they want him to do. So I think it’ll be better if Jennifer only gives order ONCE, and punish the tiny immediately when he doesn’t do as that she says, or she can threat him, you know, using some classical giantess lines like in other movies in our community. I’m not into giants but when I read the descriptions of these movies of yours I think you know better in how to act in size fetish movies, maybe you can guide her a bit, since you’re the director and producer. She’s not so “giantessy” if I may say so, well, at least she doesn’t throw tiny pets in her shoes or make them worship her feet like you do. Anyways, thank you for taking your production so seriously. <3


Hey qwerty, thanks for the feedback <3 Shooting/directing in VR is incredibly difficult, because you never know what you're going to get. You can talk beforehand and try to plan things out, but there's no real way of knowing what she did until you upload the clip. Looking back on this one, I undoubtedly would have tried to refine the situation a bit, but it's a tough balance of wanting the giantess's personality to shine through without micromanaging them. In general, I'd say that Jennifer doesn't tend to cater to the more fetish-y aspects of the fetish lol, which is actually one of the reasons why I like working with her, I always get something new or interesting, even if it's not what I'm into per se. I know from working with Jennifer in the past, that she hasn't wanted to do anything super sexual, which is why we haven't done anything remotely worship based with her unfortunately. If we ever shoot again, I am definitely going to have us plan out the VR ones a bit more, these were sorta on the fly with the extra time we had left over. I'm glad you appreciated the sound though!


Yay! I’ve been looking really forward to this - can’t wait to watch it! Also, after reading your reply to qwerty... is this the last we might see of Jennifer? The work you do together is super unique and I just love it, so I hope you do shoot again.


For me, even though I ultimately STILL love this video, it's the beginning of a great video, and not a great video itself. To live out this specific fantasy has always been one of my greatest dreams, and it;s one of the reasons I've chosen to support you here on Patreon. To really know, intimately, deeply, in terrifying, soul-crushing detail, to know what it would be like to be owned, mind, body and soul, by a young woman who is so much bigger and larger than you that disobeying her is simply not an option...To know how she would exploit you, train you, break you down over time, and force you to do whatever she wished, whether simply for her own amusement or enjoyment, or whatever... Even lingering on some of the more basic and simple moments of it, simply waiting for her to arrive or even acknowledge you, or to force you into certain poses to take pictures for her own social media... These are all great. However, I was waiting for the video to ramp it up and it simply never did. In reality, there's no way a giantess would ever be so patient if she truly was the type to expect obedience from her tiny human pets. I was waiting and waiting for Jennifer to get (literally and figuratively) more hands on and it simply never came. The presumption is that I am an adult, English-speaking human of more or less normal intelligence, simply shrunken down, and so I would for sure be able to understand, acknowledge and obey simple commands like "sit' and "lie down". I really love hand-play, ESPECIALLY in VR, and especially when the GTS in question has hands as beautiful as Jennifer's.... She easily could have (or mimicked doing this) forcibly contorting us into the poses she was demanding, pushing us down into a seating position with just one finger, even her pinkie finger, and that would be an ample and yet still subtle display of her overwhelming power over us. Furthermore, her verbal threats and degradation were very underwhelming. The cage part was nice but it was very disorienting and again, in reality, the threats would've been more explicit. "Listen here you little shit, do what the fuck I say or I'm gonna fucking crush you into pulp." "This is what happens to tinies who don't listen to their master", idk, something more explicit along those lines would've been better. Also more floor-level stuff should basically always be a prerequisite in VR videos since simply looking up at a woman from floor level in VR already makes them look gob-smackingly towering, and will please the foot based crowd, but was not necessary. What I really would've loved, and love in the future, is just more overt and aggressive hand play. Flicking, or threatening to flick the tiny, covering them with her entire hand and plunging us into terrifying heat and darkness, pushing us around with her pinkie or index finger, making us kiss her fingertip, or kneel beneath it, stuff like that. Just telling us "sit, lie down" over and over again with the same gesture is really disappointing and frankly breaks the immersion as nobody in that situation would simply repeat themselves and their commands exactly as they've issued them over and over again. More notably exempt: Jennifer's introduction should've gone a little more into detail into what she expected of the tiny and how they ended up there... Did she shrink and kidnap them herself? Is there a shrinking disease? Another race of humanoid tinies? This all matters and impacts the enjoyment and immersion and realism of the situation. I don't want over the top gaudy, vulgar, unsubtle fetish videos, there is a million other creators for that. What originally drew me to YOUR Content was your focus on the almost mundane aspects of it, where simply being spoken to by a giantess or being collected and gathered up by her for depositing into a cage or purse can be terrifying and awe inspiring. Or being around her as she does her daily yoga routine.. Everything and anything the giantess does becomes terrifying and awe inspiring, and drawing that out and milking those interactions for every bit of that emotional value, the subtle psychological degradation and reshaping of my existence by force by the giantess in question is what I desperately long to see, and the more casually, haughtily and expectantly she goes about it, the better. The tiny would effectively be a thing, a toy, a pet, albeit one that speaks and understands english and can be taught to understand complex commands, nonverbal and otherwise. Again, a good start to a video, but as a video itself, I found it lacking and repetitive ultimately. The buildup must also be accompanied by a payoff.

Stew Drickson

I agree with this wholeheartedly, though I'll concede for GQ that it's difficult to have JR or another actress provide all the exposition in dialogue and have it come across as authentic. But what you put your finger on I have to agree with completely - I love GQ because he focuses on the mundane. A VR vid doesn't need to be overtly sexual to be sexually charged, but it's the power dynamic that does it. I think JR didn't really grasp (pun intended) what was within her capabilities here power-wise. She may have benefited from a dry run in GQ's presence before she went into her room to shoot, although I'm sure that has cost implications that might be impractical. I also agree with qwerty's comments about there being no "payoff" for disobeying. I felt the impulse to disobey, but the issue was that JR seemed not to realize that the disobedience was deliberate and should be punished, rather than a matter of not understanding. (Side note: I don't use headphones with my VR setup, which means that I use my phone's speakers for audio. So I unfortunately wasn't able to appreciate all the booming sounds you put all that effort into.... I'll have to listen with headphones sometime to appreciate that.) But I will echo qwerty's and Cooler's comments when I say thank you, GQ, for continuing to work hard to make unique and amazing content, and I can't wait for the next one!

Stew Drickson

I'll also add one other thing for GQ: I am heartened by the quality of the comments of your fans on this page. If I do say so myself, your fans express themselves far more eloquently and are both more understanding and more appreciative of all of your efforts than the "mainstream" GTS scene. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we greatly appreciate all of the care and thought that you put into making your videos, and all of our critiques are meant to be encouraging and positive!


Thank you! I appreciate that. I love working with her, so I'm hoping to make it last as long as possible. We never managed to re-schedule the shoot that got cancelled last minute, so I suppose I just never assume people will wanna do this forever, you know? But I will definitely try to shoot with her again, for sure haha.

godqueengiantess (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 22:57:15 Hey cooler, thanks for the write-up. I appreciate the long time support (in fact, you might be the last person left on the original $1 tier haha). My only push-back would be the idea that "no one would be so patient," mainly because I think that she would ultimately still have some form of love or affection for a pet, as opposed to immediately calling them a "little shit," you know? I think both reactions are certainly plausible, and I don't privilege one over the other necessarily. I almost made this one a b-side, but when people overwhelmingly voted for me to edit it next, I figured it was worth putting the time into sound editing and such. Funny you should mention having an opening, because there was one originally, but the glare took over the screen unfortunately, so I took it out and left it ambiguous for the viewer to decide. I think what I found interesting about her take on the clip, is that she literally treats you like some kind of household pet, and treats you as if you're stupid, but in general, this isn't my favorite thing that she's ever done. I've been rather discouraged lately with a lot of the content I've been working on lately, because I feel as though I've learned a lot from my mistakes and failures, but the problem is, I still have to finish/release the things that didn't quite work. I would include this one in that category <3
2020-09-23 20:39:01 Hey cooler, thanks for the write-up. I appreciate the long time support (in fact, you might be the last person left on the original $1 tier haha). My only push-back would be the idea that "no one would be so patient," mainly because I think that she would ultimately still have some form of love or affection for a pet, as opposed to immediately calling them a "little shit," you know? I think both reactions are certainly plausible, and I don't privilege one over the other necessarily. I almost made this one a b-side, but when people overwhelmingly voted for me to edit it next, I figured it was worth putting the time into sound editing and such. Funny you should mention having an opening, because there was one originally, but the glare took over the screen unfortunately, so I took it out and left it ambiguous for the viewer to decide. I think what I found interesting about her take on the clip, is that she literally treats you like some kind of household pet, and treats you as if you're stupid, but in general, this isn't my favorite thing that she's ever done. I've been rather discouraged lately with a lot of the content I've been working on lately, because I feel as though I've learned a lot from my mistakes and failures, but the problem is, I still have to finish/release the things that didn't quite work. I would include this one in that category <3

Hey cooler, thanks for the write-up. I appreciate the long time support (in fact, you might be the last person left on the original $1 tier haha). My only push-back would be the idea that "no one would be so patient," mainly because I think that she would ultimately still have some form of love or affection for a pet, as opposed to immediately calling them a "little shit," you know? I think both reactions are certainly plausible, and I don't privilege one over the other necessarily. I almost made this one a b-side, but when people overwhelmingly voted for me to edit it next, I figured it was worth putting the time into sound editing and such. Funny you should mention having an opening, because there was one originally, but the glare took over the screen unfortunately, so I took it out and left it ambiguous for the viewer to decide. I think what I found interesting about her take on the clip, is that she literally treats you like some kind of household pet, and treats you as if you're stupid, but in general, this isn't my favorite thing that she's ever done. I've been rather discouraged lately with a lot of the content I've been working on lately, because I feel as though I've learned a lot from my mistakes and failures, but the problem is, I still have to finish/release the things that didn't quite work. I would include this one in that category <3


Thanks Stew! Yeah, VR is super difficult to plan for. For instance, I made such a stupid error recently with Lauren Ashlyn, where we turned off the camera every time we thought we were turning it on, and turned it on every time we thought we were turning it off, so the entire clip is virtually a wash! I was so mad and upset, because it was really cool lol.


I'm super thankful for all the smart and thoughtful people who enjoy the stuff I've been producing! It's really nice to receive useful, thought-provoking and sometimes even challenging feedback. I'm not going to lie and say I haven't thought about quitting or giving up at times, but that's usually more about stress and depression than it is about anything said here haha. If anything, y'all keep me going, because it's nice to be reminded that other people also crave content that centers around power dynamics rather than catering to our most basic derivative flattering impulses lol

Stew Drickson

DO NOT QUIT! We need you, man. That would be a huge loss for the community.

godqueengiantess (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 22:57:15 Thankful to be held in such high regard &lt;3 But yeah, I'm just in a strange place in my life where I feel like I am trying to balance too many things at once, and they all suffer as a result. It's easy to get burned out working on sexual things all the time, especially because I also know that fetish stuff will probably never pay the bills lmao. For the amount of time I spend on this stuff for such little in return, I sometimes wonder about the other things I could be dedicating my time more efficiently towards.
2020-09-23 21:55:40 Thankful to be held in such high regard <3 But yeah, I'm just in a strange place in my life where I feel like I am trying to balance too many things at once, and they all suffer as a result. It's easy to get burned out working on sexual things all the time, especially because I also know that fetish stuff will probably never pay the bills lmao. For the amount of time I spend on this stuff for such little in return, I sometimes wonder about the other things I could be dedicating my time more efficiently towards.

Thankful to be held in such high regard <3 But yeah, I'm just in a strange place in my life where I feel like I am trying to balance too many things at once, and they all suffer as a result. It's easy to get burned out working on sexual things all the time, especially because I also know that fetish stuff will probably never pay the bills lmao. For the amount of time I spend on this stuff for such little in return, I sometimes wonder about the other things I could be dedicating my time more efficiently towards.

Անդրանիկ Սարեան

This clip is more than any other reason why I chose to be a Patron. It's literally the best GTS piece of content I've ever seen or read. Amazing. What was the brainstorming process like? Who came up with what ideas?

godqueengiantess (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-03 15:52:21 Happy you connect with it in that capacity &lt;3 Honestly, beyond brainstorming the general premise together, almost all of it was Jennifer's creation. Originally, the outside b-side was supposed to be the intro, where she finds the person outside and they become her pet, but it didn't quite work out video quality wise. The only things I remember discussing beforehand was her asking me if x would be okay, so she had the sock idea, we talked about taking cute pictures of them, and the overall arc of getting mad at the person. But the vast majority of the clip was her own idea!
2022-10-07 16:37:24 Happy you connect with it in that capacity <3 Honestly, beyond brainstorming the general premise together, almost all of it was Jennifer's creation. Originally, the outside b-side was supposed to be the intro, where she finds the person outside and they become her pet, but it didn't quite work out video quality wise. The only things I remember discussing beforehand was her asking me if x would be okay, so she had the sock idea, we talked about taking cute pictures of them, and the overall arc of getting mad at the person. But the vast majority of the clip was her own idea!

Happy you connect with it in that capacity <3 Honestly, beyond brainstorming the general premise together, almost all of it was Jennifer's creation. Originally, the outside b-side was supposed to be the intro, where she finds the person outside and they become her pet, but it didn't quite work out video quality wise. The only things I remember discussing beforehand was her asking me if x would be okay, so she had the sock idea, we talked about taking cute pictures of them, and the overall arc of getting mad at the person. But the vast majority of the clip was her own idea!