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Hi friends,

Sorry for the lack of updates recently! Grad school summer classes have been kicking my ass. After Wednesday, I should be able to make some significant progress on the Jennifer Rose video, and I will try to get a significant preview up (do you care about spoilers in the preview or no?). 

Anyways, here are a few more non color corrected screenshots from my shoot with Cali Logan :)

Also, I am currently in the beginning phases of planning out two potential upcoming shoots. Let me know if you have any general ideas or things you might want to see!



Alex W

Amazing images! As a postgrad student myself, I can only imagine how difficult it is to juggle videomaking with academia. Regarding previews: I don't mind a few spoilers, but I do like some stuff saved for the final product of course. So some notable interaction, but not so much that watching the full video only gives more context and very little new 'action' :)


Oh dope! What do you study? And yes, it can be quite difficult when I have big projects/presentations due, for sure. I'll keep that in mind though. The parts I have done for the Jennifer Rose video are spoiler-ish at the moment, so I want to finish up some of the other parts that won't ruin the excitement of the first viewing (while still giving ppl something cool), you know? That balance is surprisingly hard haha. Unless I make it more like a trailer, where it's a bunch of stuff that is out of context?