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Hello guys! It has been a while since the v0.0.8Pre1 is posted.

I am almost finished the upgrade on the green slime AI. It takes so long as it's texture are redrawn and almost all its old animations need to adjust. The changes on the green slime are basically completed. The video above show some of the new abilities for the green slime, such as the sticky body (Unable to run/dodge through), sticking to the ceiling and "swallow" the touched item. The green slime can consume the items after around 10 seconds and heal itself. You can still save the item swallowed by slime if you kill it quick enough. It also have different action modes base on its "alarm" value above its health bar.
*Due to its special body structure, it can always "see" you from both front and back

First action mode: Calm (Before the first bar is completely filled)
- Walk around and ignore player (Unless player is in-heat, will walk slowly toward player)
- Player can walk though its body at a slower speed, but doing this will increase the alarm     value of the slime (Based on the exposure level of the player)
- Has high chance to stick to the ceiling when idle (Player walking under it will toggle it to fall down, and the first alarm bar will be instantly filled if not filled)
- Will fight back if being attacked, but only chase for a short time

Second action mode: Alarm (Before the second bar is completely filled)
- Will chase player once it "see" player
- Will do damage the player if inside its body, but this damage will not lead to a knock down.
- Will try to grab player
- Less chance to stick to ceiling when idle (But if being toggle again, the second alarm bar will be instantly filled if not filled)

Third action mode: Hunting (When the third bar is start filling)
- Attack and grabbing action get speed boost
- Will keep jumping to player
- Will constantly walk around
- Chase for a long time
- Never stick to ceiling again

Green slime also have a defense action, player will be knocked down if hitting a defensing green slime, and faint for a longer time.

There are also other changes made to the game, i will post them at below.

The next post i would like to make a poll, vote for the sex pose of yellow slime and pink slime. They are the color variation i planned to add into the game. The yellow slime are less sticky than the green slime, and unable to stick on the ceiling. However, it has a bigger body size and acid ability that can reduce the durability of player equipment quickly. The pink slime is smaller than other slime, it can release smoke to increase the player heat value in a short time and increase the alarm value of surrounding slime. The poll will be release at 2-3 day later, stay tune!

**** Current Progress: ****

- Changed the critical damage resistance calculation method - done 

- Slightly reduce the base knock back distance for player - done 

- Reduced the knock back amount for each hit of on-air attack for player - done 

- Adjusted some player animations and the transition between the animations - done 

- Added new walking animation for player when walking on sticky ground - done 

- Added a new idle pose for player when holding weapon - done 

- Added a player orgasm animation during the sexual animations with enemy - done 

- Added a variation of player masturbating animation when getting close to orgasm (>50%) - done 

- Player will take more arousal during sex scene under high desire level (x1.5 when reaching 50%, x2 when reaching 80%) - done 

- Player will now fainted for a short time after knocked down and can't get up when fainted - done 

- The Main Player UI now scale with the screen size - done  

- Readjusted the indoor lighting at home and some inner structures in shopping street - done  

- Added Visual effects for in-heat and orgasm - done 

- Add animation variations for player who is in-heat - done

- Entity AI Update (Need hear range mechanism / Fade out of the game after sex or add debuff to player) - 30%    

Slime: Acid range attack, color variation (Texture drawing completed, AI basically completed)    Goat Man: Galloping attack, Defense action - 0%    
Mutated Wolf: Attract by food, ability for player to search wolf nest - 0%  

- Redraw the Green Slime sprite and minor changes on the sexual animations with slime - done 

- Added more attack mode for green slime - done  

- Entity status UI Update - 60% 

- Add Entity sounds - 33% 

- Make AI pick cloth / consume more cloth - 33%  

- Restrict player to struggle for a few second after orgasm - 0%

- Increase the struggle value decrease speed while in-heat - 0%

- Add option to demolish furniture - 0%

- Add randomize options in the setting page when trying to start a new game - 0%

- Add World Setting (Loot + Entity Strength) - 0%

- Add Player Setting (Heat Mode etc) - 0%

- Add option to delete world - 0%


Development progress - 3/2/2024

A short introduction video to the new AI for green slime and some other features in game.


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