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Hello everyone! I bring some design concept that will be implement in the v0.0.8.

The first thing is the update on the player UI. Since there will be some changes on the player system, i decided to update the UI to fit some new features. The old horny system will separate to two part, Arousal level and Desire. Their different is that the arousal level tell how close you are going to orgasm, and desire represents how much you tend to have sexual action.

Exposure level is the new system that could affect the attitude of the creatures that surround the player. The idea is that player will continuously release hormones that can cause nearby entity horny. The creature maybe not interest on player at start, but as long as player stay there, they will having a sexual urge soon or even become crazy. It provide a more smooth and logical transition compared to how current AI react to a naked player. The exposure level can be affected by the player heat period and the player clothing.

Other that the above changes, there are also update on the creatures behavior. The current enemies are all sharing the same AI behavior with some parameters differences, which make them kinda lack of "personality". Thus, i want to give them their own behaviors so they will be more unique.

If there are some progress made, i will post a new experiment build and let you know!



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