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A unique sidekick I drew on commission, now wearing the armor it made!

Character: Morblub, Sentient Octo-Spider-Squid, in Armor

Deep beneath the surface world of Askren exists another world. The knowledge of how it came to has been lost, but the denizens who dwell in the depths have no knowledge of the surface world.

There are fantastical tales of a land with an endless sky, heavenly bodies floating beyond reach, strange peoples dwelling within mountains, forests, and underwater realms. Like the commonly disbelieved stories of “those above,” there are a myriad of living creatures that dwell in the pockets of light deep below the surface of Askren. Some live in cities, others in mountains, yet others live in the murky depths of underground rivers and lakes.

One race that live beneath the waves are the Morblub. These telepathic creatures live in groups, slowly traveling from one river to another, never building a home or settling in one area. Morblub could be considered a vision of horror to most, combining features of octopi, crabs, and spiders together.

Yet despite their horrific appearance, Morblub are peaceful, content to travel the waterways, sharing stories with others of their kind and any others willing to listen. However, that doesn’t always end well, as most folk are easily frightened by them.

One Morblub had quite the fascinating tale to tell. It seems it ran across a group of surface adventurers who had somehow found themselves trapped in the world below. It spoke with them and assisted them. After they left, it found it was so taken by their zeal for life and adventure that it decided to follow them and learn more of them and their world.

How was it to do this? It gathered the armor of a soldier who had drowned and using some innate magic and some very strong strands of its own thread, it bound the armor together along with a tank of endless water to keep it hydrated (as Morblub breath air and water) and set out to find the group that had so captured its attention.

Will it find them? Time will tell!

What do you think? :)

HD below!
