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Hi all!

So, in the latest worldbuilding poll you voted for "Let Catilus Decide" again and so I am making more items and stuff for you all! Here's one of those extras: Aethis' Belt of Wands, which my very own arcane scribe wizard Aethis Quill is currently crafting!


Aethis’ Belt of Wands

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

Created by a methodical mage, this practical belt allows avid wand collectors to make the most out of their prized wands and keep them close at hand.

The belt can hold up to 10 wands designed for Small and Medium-sized creatures. The wands are held securely by the belt and cannot be removed against your will unless you’re incapacitated.

Stick Them Up! While attuned to the belt, you can use a bonus action to instantly summon a wand from the belt in any of your hands, stow any wands you might be holding back into the belt, or swap any wands you might be holding with any other wands from the belt.

Concealed Carry. While attuned to the belt, you can use an action to cause the belt and any wands in it to become invisible until you use another action to make it visible, until you remove the belt, or until you die. The wands become visible when taken out of the belt.

Harmonious Handling. Any wands held by the belt regain 1 additional expended charge whenever they regain charges. Additionally, attuning to any wand held by the belt takes only 1 minute.

Slot of the War Mage. The belt is equipped with a special sheath designed to hold a Wand of the War Mage. You can attune to the belt and the Wand of the War Mage held in that sheath using a single attunement slot for both items. While attuned to both items that way, you gain the wand’s bonus to spell attack rolls even when not holding it, as long as it remains in the sheath.


What do you think? :)

Download the FULL-SIZED printable version of Aethis’ Belt of Wands from the attachment below!



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